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Groom ‘left in tears’ after guests leave Prague wedding to avoid quarantine

Oliver and Andrea’s Prague wedding was left in disarray after 30 guests pulled out to avoid quarantine (Picture: PA)

A husband-to-be has been ‘left in tears’ after nearly 30 of his family and friends left his wedding to avoid quarantine.

Travellers returning from the Czech Republic now have to quarantine for 14 days after the country was taken off the UK’s safe travel list earlier this week.

Oliver, who did not share his surname, said instead of celebrating with his family and friends he had been wishing them a ‘tearful goodbye’ as they rushed to get home before today’s 4am deadline – mainly because of work constraints.

The 33-year-old, who is from Kent but has lived in the Czech Republic for 11 years, blasted the Government for ‘arbitrary and random’ decision-making.

He said: ‘I’m down about 30 guests and my little sister, who is a bridesmaid, is distraught at having to fly home tonight before the wedding (she is a teacher).

‘We have not slept much for the past few days and are exhausted emotionally leading up to the wedding. We have just said a tearful goodbye to family who are having to leave before the wedding today at great expense.

‘It leaves me even more angry at the UK leadership (or lack of) than before. Where is their explanation of the decision-making? It’s arbitrary, random and has simply left a couple and a family here in tears before what is supposed to be the best day of their lives.’

Travellers returning from the Czech Republic have to quarantine for two weeks (Picture: PA)

Oliver, who was getting married today, has twice before tried to tie the knot but needed to put it off due because his fiancee Andrea became pregnant.

The third attempt at the ceremony was booked in advance of the UK entering lockdown but the couple agreed it would go ahead as planned after the Czech Republic was named as a UK air bridge in July.

He said: ‘This last week has been incredibly stressful … thankfully some friends and my immediate family, minus my sister, are accepting quarantine.

‘(The rule change) was not expected and the Government should do more to communicate to people in advance.’

The Government has warned the UK’s safe travel list could change rapidly (Picture: AFP)

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps warned the safe travel list would continue to change rapidly.

He told Sky News: ‘People need to be aware that unfortunately things can change very quickly and, you know, if you go with your eyes open and you know that things can change, it won’t then come as so much as of a surprise.’

The UK considers imposing quarantine conditions when a country’s rate of infection exceeds 20 cases per 100,000 people over seven days.

The Government also removed Switzerland and Jamaica from the safe travel list.

There are fears Italy and Portugal could be next after cases surged in both countries.

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