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Woman’s home raided by cows which trashed furniture and left manure on carpet

Bandit and SOB did not seem bothered about being caught in the act (Picture: chelseahingston/TikTok)

Two naughty pet cows were caught red handed after trashing their family home in Australia.

The appropriately named Bandit and SOB were found milling about in the living room after barging into the Tasmania house and causing chaos.

The unruly pair left piles of manure on the floor, along with piles of debris after knocking over plant pots and breaking furniture.

It is unclear how much trouble they are in with owner Chelsea Hingston, who had briefly left the house to drop her daughters off at their play group before return to the devastation.

But she estimates that the damage will total more than $15,000 (roughly £7,900), once the cost of carpet repairs and replacing broken items is accounted for.

TikTok footage shows the soiled house, various items trampled into the carpet and the mischievous duo standing unconcerned in the lounge.

SOB looks up at the camera, but a seemingly guilty-looking Bandit turns and avoids eye contact.

Ms Hingston believes they barged through the back door after the fence to their paddock had been damaged during a storm the previous night.

She had locked the pair in the backyard, but it appears they decided to have an adventure when she left home.

‘I was horrified and in denial,’ the Mum-of-two told Daily Mail Australia

‘I opened the front doors and called to them, they just walked out.

‘My partner and I had only purchased the home in December so to say our hearts broke when we saw inside is an understatement.’

The pair trampled through the house and made a right mess (Picture: chelseahingston/TikTok)
Toys, plants and other debris was strewn across the living room (Picture: chelseahingston/TikTok)

She continued: ‘We have bare concrete flooring whilst we wait to be able to get new flooring laid and lost a considerable amount of clothing, plants, and toys.’

Despite the chaos, Ms Hingston said the family have been able to see the funny side.

‘It’s hilarious now,’ she said.

‘We are working on getting a sign for the house saying “home is where the herd is”.’

The pair have been sent off to a relative’s property until the fences are repaired.

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MORE : People in Kent weren’t amoosed when cows went on stampede up busy A-road

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