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YouTuber who gave parenting advice to millions jailed for abusing her own kids

Ruby Franke was sentenced to our consecutive sentences of one to 15 years in prisonon Tuesday afternoon (Picture: AP)

A family vlogger who attracted millions of YouTube subscribers by offering parenting advice has been jailed for horrifically abusing her own children.

Mum-of-six Ruby Franke was sentenced to four consecutive sentences of one to 15 years in prison on Tuesday afternoon after pleading guilty to aggravated child abuse of her two of her kids.

If she receives the maximum sentence, she faces 60 years in jail. The Utah Board of Pardons and Parole will determine the total number of years.

Franke admitted having carried out a cruel campaign of abuse against her two youngest children, who she convinced were evil and needed to be ‘punished’ to repent.

Disgraced YouTuber Ruby Franke (left) and business partner Jodi Hildebrandt (right) admitted charges of aggravated child abuse (Pictures: AP)

She tortured her son by forcing him to work outside in the scorching heat for so long his sunburn blistered. He and his sister were also denied food and water or offered very plain meals.

Franke and her business partner Jodi Hildebrandt were arrested in August 2023 after one of her sons escaped Hildebrandt’s home and fled to a neighbour’s who called 911.

The 12-year-old boy was emaciated and had duct tape around his ankles and wrists but wouldn’t say why, the caller reported.

‘I think he’s been … he’s been detained,’ the caller said, his voice breaking up. ‘He’s obviously covered in wounds.’

The boy and Franke’s daughter, who was also found at Hildebrandt’s house, were taken to the hospital.

Eventually, Franke’s four youngest children were taken into state custody.

Franke gave parenting advice via a once-popular YouTube channel called ‘8 Passengers’ (Picture: Instagram/@moms_of_truth)
She pleaded guilty to four counts of aggravated child abuse for abusing and starving two of her children (Picture: AP)

Franke and Hildebrandt were each charged with six felony counts of aggravated child abuse.

They have remained jailed since their arrests.

Both women pleaded guilty to four of the counts, which each carry a sentence of one to 15 years in prison.

Her husband Kevin Franke, who has filed for divorce, said in a statement issued through his attorney ahead of the hearing he hoped the judge would order each sentence to run consecutively.

It said: ‘The treatment these children received at the hands of those whom the children had a right to trust, was horrific and inhumane, both physically and psychologically. 

‘Kevin remains focused on the rehabilitation of these sweet and vulnerable children so that they might return to a normal life as soon as possible.’

Franke during a virtual court appearance in Utah (Picture: AP)

Under the plea agreement, Franke admitted torturing her son from May 22 through the summer until August 30 by forcing him into hours of physical tasks, summer work outdoors without adequate water and ‘repeated and serious sunburns’ that blistered.

He was denied food or given very plain meals, and he was isolated from other people without access to books, notebooks or electronics. After he tried to run away in July, his hands and feet were regularly bound, sometimes with handcuffs.

At times, ropes were used to tie the cuffs securing his hands and feet as he lay on his stomach, lifting his arms and legs off the ground and injuring his wrists and ankles, the plea agreement said.

Franke also admitted to kicking her son while wearing boots, holding his head underwater and smothering his mouth and nose with her hands.

‘He was also told that everything that was being done to him were acts of love,’ the agreement states.

Franke acknowledged similarly abusing her nine-year-old daughter by forcing her to work outside, run on dirt roads barefoot, and go without food and water.

‘She was also repeatedly told she was evil and possessed, the punishments were necessary for her to be obedient and repent, and these things were being done to her in order to help her,’ the agreement said.

The girl ‘was convinced’ what her mother said was true, it notes.

The Franke family was criticized online for its ‘8 Passengers’ video blog showing parenting decisions including banning their oldest son from his bedroom for seven months for pranking his younger brother.

In other videos, Ruby Franke talked about refusing to take lunch to a kindergartener who forgot it at home and threatening to cut the head off a young girl’s stuffed toy to punish her for cutting things in the house.

One clip shows Franke discussing how she and her husband told their two youngest children that they would not be getting presents from Santa Claus one year because they had been selfish and weren’t responding to punishment like being kept home from school and cleaning the floorboards.

The YouTube channel, which started in 2015, ended after seven years.

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