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Kate Middleton’s return to royal duties has palace ‘working round the clock’

Kate Middleton has been under intense scrutiny (Credits: Mark Cuthbert/UK Press via Getty Images)

Kate Middleton is expected to make a return to public life within weeks following a turbulent few months for the future Queen.

Top secret plans have been set into motion for the Princess of Wales’ big return.

The 42-year-old has tried to keep a low profile since her abdominal surgery at the London Clinic two months ago – now at the centre of a probe after three staff allegedly tried to access her medical files.

King Charles, who was diagnosed with cancer, underwent treatment for an enlarged prostate at the clinic around the same time, but his medical data was reportedly not compromised.

Catherine has been out of action for months (Credits: Charles McQuillan/Getty Images)

Kate’s Mother’s Day picture editing blunder also did little to kill wild conspiracies of her whereabouts and condition, as Prince William continued to attend engagements alone.

When is Kate Middleton returning?

Kensington Palace is now working around the clock on the plan for Kate’s return with publicity heavyweights in the mix, The Mirror reports, citing royal sources.

Kensington Palace staff are busy preparing for Kate’s return (Credits: Jeff Spicer/Getty Images)

Palace insiders said courtiers had asked for help and advice while the royals go through a period of intense scrutiny.

Two former aides, known for being ‘well-established public relations experts’, were consulted by the team working on Kate’s new schedule, the outlet reports.

Kate will not make an official return to the public eye until after Easter, Kensington Palace has reiterated.

But conversations have taken place for her to join the rest of the family at church on Easter Sunday.

It is possible that the princess will not resume official engagements until the children start their summer term at Lambrook School in Berkshire on April 17.

One source told The Mirror: ‘The teams are working round the clock to devise the Princess of Wales’ back-to-work plan after weeks of immense pressure.

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‘They all know that the world will be watching after weeks of heightened speculation and often outlandish commentary on social media.’

For now, Kate has started working from home to ease her way back into royal duties.

She has worked on an early years project designed to improve the lives of babies, backed by the The Princess’s Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood.

One of the insiders who helped Kate’s team is thought to be her new private secretary Lt Col Tom White, who began lending his expertise in January.

The Royal Marines officer, who has a tour of Afghanistan under his belt, served as Queen Elizabeth’s equerry from November 2020 until her death in September 2022.

Prince William’s new private secretary, former foreign office diplomat Ian Patrick, is also part of the senior team, the outlet reports.

Last weekend, Kate and William were spotted at a farm shop in Windsor, an outing which sparked a raft of online conspiracy theories over whether the woman was the princess or a look-alike.

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