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Flight makes emergency landing because in-flight meals had been spoiled

The plane made an emergency landing with 277 on board (Picture: Shutterstock/FlightAware)

A Delta Airlines flight has made an emergency landing at New York’s JFK airport after ‘contamination’ fears.

The plane was heading to Amsterdam, Netherlands, from Detroit when it was forced to make an emergency landing in New York.

Passengers on board were reportedly served ‘contaminated food’ during the trans-Atlantic flight, according to MailOnline.

The plane was diverted to the major US airport in the early hours of the morning today after it was discovered that an in-flight meal had been spoiled, the airline’s spokesperson told DailyMail.com.

The flight path of the Delta plane shows it make a U-tun above the Atlantic and head back to US mainland (Picture: FlightAware)

It is not known how many passengers ate the food, but ambulances were waiting on the tarmac as the plane landed at JFK to provide any emergency care.

The company told DailyMail.com that it has launched an investigation, and it apologised to customers.

The Delta flight 136, an Airbus A330 jet, had 277 passengers on board when it departed from Detroit, Michigan, just before 11pm on Tuesday, the outlet reports.

Crews consulted with medical experts before deciding to make the unexpected landing.

A spokesperson told Metro.co.uk in a statement: ‘Delta flight 136 from Detroit to Amsterdam diverted to New York’s JFK early Wednesday morning after reports that a portion of the Main Cabin in-flight meal service were spoiled. 

‘Medical crews met the aircraft to treat any affected passengers and crew members. 

‘Delta’s Food Safety team has engaged our suppliers to immediately isolate the product and launch a thorough investigation into the incident.

‘This is not the service Delta is known for and we sincerely apologize to our customers for the inconvenience and delay in their travels.’

The latest flight update on Delta’s website confirms the plane from Metropolitan Wayne County Airport to Amsterdam was ‘diverted.’

Delta Airlines was approached for a comment.

Were you on the plane? Please contact noora.mykkanen@metro.co.uk.

This is a developing news story, more to follow soon… Check back shortly for further updates.

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