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Runners left heartbroken after British triathlete dies during race in Spain

Runners left heartbroken after British triathlete dies during race in Spain (Picture:Mark Stokes)

Tributes have been paid to a British man who collapsed and died during a triatholon in the Costa del Sol.

Mark Stokes, 57, was one of two athlethes who suffered a heart attack and died minutes apart while running the competition in Torremolinos on Thursday.

The other victim was named locally as Roger Mas, a 79-year-old Mexican who a veteran triathlete.

Engineering expert and consultant Mark, believed to have been based in Reading, Berkshire, was named today as pals went public with their heartbreak.

Mark (R) collapsed during a triatholon in the Costa Del Sol (Picture: Mark Stokes)

Fellow triathlete Tim Donnelly Smith, who had travelled to the Costa del Sol with Mark and was sharing an apartment with him, said in an agonising social media post alongside a picture of the two of them at a previous event: ‘This week we have been in Torremolinos, Spain, for the World Triathlon Championships. This is a race for which we both qualified over a year ago, in Bournemouth, where we first met.

‘We’ve raced together and kept in touch since.

‘Here in Torremolinos we were sharing an apartment and travelled out together. We were both so excited to be here: World Championships? Us? Yes!

‘Heartbreakingly on Thursday afternoon Mark collapsed in the final stages of the run leg of our race.

‘Medics were unable to resuscitate him and the world changed in a split-second for many people, almost all of whom I have never met.

‘I really wasn’t sure whether (or how) to write this post. But I concluded that writing it and tagging Mark is probably the best – the only – way I have of sending my condolences to all of his family, friends, colleagues and triathlon family. I’m so sorry for your loss. RIP, Mark.’

World Triathlon, the international governing body for the multi-disclipines including triathlon and duathlon, said in a statement earlier this week about the double tragedy during the event: ‘It is with deep sadness that we can inform that two participants (one from Mexico; one from Great Britain) have died at the World Triathlon Torremolinos-Andalucía Age Group Sprint Distance World Championships, taking place today, October 17.

Mark was one of two runners to pass away during the triathlon (Picture:Mark Stokes)

‘Our deepest condolences go to their respective family, friends, National Federations and all the triathlon family.

‘World Triathlon, the Spanish Federation and the Local Organising Committee are in contact with their families and NFs to provide all the support needed in these difficult and sad times.’

The 2024 World Triathlon Championship Finals kicked off on Thursday in Torremolinos and finishes today.

The Mexican Triathlon Federation said in a statement after Roger Mas’ death: “It is with profound sadness that we inform of the death of Roger Man Colomer, 79, during the World Triathlon Championship on the afternoon of Thursday October 17 in Torremolinos.

‘We deeply regret this and share the pain of his family and friends.’

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