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Top 7 cities with the most adorable ladies (Photos)


The world is abundantly blessed with very beautiful women, however, they are evenly spread across the regions of the earth. Some places have more than others.

They say what one person sees as beauty, the other might not agree; however, beyond the perception of different views, there are those beauties that all eyes can attest to.

There are so many extremely beautiful women in the world, they reside in various cities across, cities which will pass for enjoyable vacation spots any day.

So if you are planning a trip to some lovey city, perhaps having to know that these cities have very gorgeous and exciting ladies, will help you make a great choice as to you vacation destination.

Below are 7 cities where you are most likely to meet some of the most delectable women that ever walked this planet.

7. Mumbai, India

If natural beauty and mysterious personalities are what you are looking for, then Indian is the destination.

Top 7 cities with the most adorable ladies

Top 7 cities with the most adorable ladies

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Indian women, especially those in Mumbai, have this really nice complexion, alluring and expressive eyes and interesting personality.

With such beauty as abounds in India, one is forced to ask why theu do not win the Miss world and Miss Universe contests year after year.

6. Moscow, Russia

Top 7 cities with the most adorable ladies

Top 7 cities with the most adorable ladies

Russians have long been famous for giving birth to rare and exceptional beauties. Some people consider Russia a breeding ground for would-be models, with agencies ever scouting for new talents in the Russian capital, Moscow.

With stunning beauties like Natalia Sokolova, Anna Kournikova or actress OlesyaRulin, Moscow is definitely home to some of the most beautiful women in the world.

5. Caracas, Venezuela

Caracas in recent times has been given a bad reputation, with stories of dr*gs and crimes, for which the city has been labeled one of the most dangerous. However, beyond the ugly side which every city in world has, there is some very amazing stuff about Caracas. Of all its good side, the best thing about Caracas is definitely its women.

It is said that Caracas is to beauty what Rome is to Catholicism; a holy city.

Top 7 cities with the most adorable ladies

Top 7 cities with the most adorable ladies

If you have ever wondered, why Venezuelan women so beautiful, then wonder no more, for Caracas is the answer.

Venezuela is the only country to win 21 international beauty contests and all four pageants several times (Miss World, Miss Universe, Miss International and Miss Earth).

In Caracas, beauty has become an industry; it is cheap for the investors, because the raw materials (alluring ladies) are plentiful.

You will be stuck trying to pick from the abundance of beauty that abounds in Caracas.

4. Milan, Italy

Known as the fashion capital of the world, Italy has always enjoyed a top spot for beautiful women, for years.

Top 7 cities with the most adorable ladies

Top 7 cities with the most adorable ladies

Without a doubt, the fame that Italy enjoys as regards being a home for adorable damsels, can be credited to one city and no better city than Milan.

Like the Centre of gravity, Milan pulls everything beautiful towards itself. There is virtually no model in the world whose eyes is not longing to behold Milan.

3. Rio de janeiro, Brazil

This city has it all, from soccer fever to festival extravaganza; it has all that everyone would desire.

Top 7 cities with the most adorable ladies

Top 7 cities with the most adorable ladies

Brazil is a country of exceptional beauty, and Brazilian women rival any landscape found in the country.

Rio de Janeiro is not only the country’s pride and emissary to the world; it is also the focal point of Brazil’s fused cultural heritage.

The combination of African, European and the Native population has produced a rare and exotic beauty that, while true of the entire country, is best exemplified by the Cariocas and their enchanting Rio with its tanned bodies, Sugarloaf, and sprawling beaches.

Those beaches and the bikinis that with lovely legs prowling the sands, will blow your mind away.

2. Miami, USA

The USA is not just considered as a promised land but a land of beauty as well. With 27 beauty pageant crowns on their belt and more than 5 Miss Universe titles to boot, USA can really be considered as a place where most beautiful girls are.

Now if you really want to see raw beauty, beauty without blemish, women with confidence and assertiveness, then you would need to get to Miami.

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Top 7 cities with the most adorable ladies

Top 7 cities with the most adorable ladies

If you walk through the city especially along the beaches, you will behold the most gorgeous women in the world, with amazing frames that can only be for goddesses.

Blonde haired women dominate the area but you’ll definitely adore the red heads and brunettes as well.

1. Lagos, Nigeria

If what you are looking for is classy within and outside the African contest, then Lagos is your best destination.

Lagos is Nigeria’s number one commercial hub and the leading city in terms of advancement in all ramifications.

This metropolitan city has a population of about 25 million; most of the inhabitants are migrants from other Nigerian villages, towns and cities.

Top 7 cities with the most adorable ladies

Top 7 cities with the most adorable ladies

Hence it holds the cream of the pie, in that, the smartest, wealthiest and the most beautiful all meet in Lagos.

With such a population, you can be sure that 8 in every girl you meet on the streets of Lagos will make heads turn, as it is more of a contest at who can outdo the other, just in order to be the hottest lady in town.

One thing is certain, the average Lagos girl knows what is in vogue at all times, so fashion trends and facial beautification are always on point.

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