NAIJ.COM (Nigeria News)

GOOD NEWS! Nigerian Navy’s 2017 recruitment exercise commences (check the requirements)


- The Nigerian Navy said its recruitment exercise for 2017 comes with major but basic requirements

- The Navy also listed what could make the organisation disqualify some applicants from the exercise

The Nigerian Navy has commenced the 2017 recruitment exercise by for citizens of the country who want to join the security body.

The exercise commenced today, July 1 with the Nigerian Navy opening its online portal, l for the free registration exercise.

As released by the security organisation, applicants for this year’s exercise possess at least one of the following:

1. West African School Certificate/Senior Secondary School Certificate.

2. General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level.

3. WAEC City and Guilds or London City and Guilds.

4. Ordinary National Diploma (OND).

5. Any other educational qualification equivalent to those mentioned above.

The Nigerian Navy also listed the requirements for the exercise

The Navy said while all applicants are to produce their primary school leaving certificate.

For the exercise, applicants with HND, higher educational and professional qualifications are not qualified according to the Nigerian Navy.

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Apart from this, “the applicants must be between the ages of 18 and 22 years at the time of entry into the training school for school certificate holders, while 24 years of age is the acceptable limit for those with higher qualifications like Nurses, NCE holders, ICT professionals, etc.

“Candidates are therefore warned that it is an offence to declare false educational /professional qualification. This attracts outright withdrawal or dismissal and hand over to civil police for prosecution.

“Any certificate or qualification not declared or tendered and accepted during the recruitment exercise is not acceptable after recruitment and cannot be tendered for the purpose of change of branch or advancement while in the naval service.

“Only qualifications obtained through proper service provisions are tenable after joining.”

The requirement stipulated further that the applicants must be single and not have children before joining.

The applicant are to print out the parent/guardian consent and local government attestation forms.

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Also to be disqualified are applicants with short sightedness, ear problem, previous orthopaedic operation, flat foot, below the required height of 1.70 for males and 1.67 for females, fracture, stammering or any natural disability.

None of the applicants should have any previous conviction by a court of law on criminal charges.

NAIJ.com earlier reported that Acting President Yemi Osinbajo has reportedly granted approval for the appointment of 14 new Resident Electoral Commissioners (RECs).

The newly appointed would be joining their colleagues at the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC).

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