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How PDP will remove Buhari from Aso Rock and finish APC in 2019 - Ahmed Makarfi reveals


- Ahmed Makarfi stated that in order to revive and reinvigorate the party, the PDP leadership would need to put in great effort to reconcile with those who had left the party

- The PDP chairman also noted that the opposition party needs to embark on a strong membership drive in order to attract more people to the party

- Makarfi also lauded the recent Supreme Court judgement that cemented his leadership, describing it as a landmark judgement which helped cool tempers

Senator Ahmed Makarfi, the chairman of the National Caretaker Committee of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), has revealed how the former ruling party will recapture power in 2019.

According to reports, the PDP chairman made his comments at the party’s national secretariat in Abuja on Wednesday July 26, as he received members of the Forum of Former Presiding Officers of State Houses of Assembly, and the PDP Women’s Forum.

Outlining the strategy, Makarfi stated that once the opposition party was able to reconcile its aggrieved members, recruit news ones and build a vast war chest, it would recover power from the All Progressives Congress (APC).

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While acknowledging the importance of reconciliation in the party, Makarfi stated that the process would not just cover those who were involved in the leadership crisis that engulfed the party, but also those that had left the PDP.

He stated: “It’s a work in progress. This is the time to join hands and build the party, to reconcile. Reconciling with members is not limited to those we went to court with us of recent.

“Since PDP was formed, a number of members have left; some are doing ‘siddon look and not active’.

“We need to make every effort to reconcile with them so that we revive the party and reinvigorate it.

“Beyond reconciling with all members of PDP, we need to do membership drive and bring in more members.

“So, it requires a lot of efforts and sacrifice on our part. It requires accommodation.

“Accommodation does not mean surrendering a hundred per cent what you have. If somebody cannot be accommodated, you have no reason to say he is reconciling.

“And if we can’t reconcile and be stronger, we can as well forget about getting back to government.

“The more the merrier. It’s when you build a big war chest that you can have a good chance of winning any battle.

“We’ve gone through a long avoidable hard struggle. It was not a struggle over PDP leadership. It was a struggle for democracy.

“It was a landmark judgement that touches on every political party you can think of. It’s a landmark judgment that has stabilized the polity.

“We know there is hunger; we know that there are difficulties, all kinds of problems in the country. But as soon as this judgment came, it seemed to have brought down tempers.

“Why tempers have gone down is that people have seen the alternative they have been waiting for.”

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Meanwhile, NAIJ.com previously reported that the 30 senators who make up the PDP caucus in the upper legislative chamber, resolved to oust the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) from power by 2019.

Their resolution followed the Supreme Court ruling in favor of Senator Ahmed Makarfi.

Speaking on the victory, Godswill Akpabio, Senate minority leader and chairman of the caucus said with the ruling, the coast had now been cleared to remove the APC from power come 2019.

Watch this NAIJ.com of GEJ saying that Nigerians want the PDP back, at the opposition party's caucus meeting

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