NAIJ.COM (Nigeria News)

Ex governor condemns anti-Igbo song, tells Buhari’s government to arrest sponsors


- Alhaji Balarabe Musa, a former governor of old Kaduna state has condemned the composer of anti-Igbo song

- Alhaji Musa said the song is not only embarrassing but capable of threatening the peace of the country

- He said that the federal government should act fast before the issue escalates

Alhaji Balarabe Musa, a former governor of old Kaduna state, has said the production and circulation of an anti-Igbo song in parts of Northern Nigeria is ''embarrassing and unfortunate''.

Musa told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on telephone from Kaduna that the content of the song did not reflect the true feelings of most northerners.

NAIJ.com gathered that he described the promoters of the song, which calls for violence against the Igbos, as ''criminals'', whose objective is to threaten the peace and security in Nigeria.

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The former governor stated that the song is a deliberate ploy by the originators to generate disaffection towards northerners.

He, therefore, urged the federal government not to take the issue lightly in view of the potential threat it constituted to the country’s peace.

He said:''The song is not only embarrassing but unfortunate and capable of threatening the peace of the country.

''So the federal government should act fast before the issue escalates so that we do not have a repeat of sad tales of history.

''The government should ensure that the promoters of the song are brought to book because they are nothing but criminals''.

Musa expressed belief in the capacity of Nigerians to live peacefully with one another wherever they chose to live and irrespective of their tribe, religion and ethnic group.

The former governor, who said that he would never support violence, criticised the October 1 quit notice given to Igbos by some Northern youths.

He said that an insignificant number of youths could not have been speaking for the people of the North who are accommodating and peace-loving.

According to him, ''The quit notice is uncalled for and does not reflect the thinking of the North.

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''So many people have condemned it. Even some youths have come out to openly denounce it. That tells you that that unfortunate order is not supported by most northerners; it is condemnable''.

The ex-governor then called on government to be alive to its responsibilities to the people by delivering the dividends of democracy.

He further urged the government to ensure the judicious use of the country’s resources to promote equity, peace and development.

Meanwhile, NAIJ.com had reported that Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), issued a renewed warning to Igbo people in the north to ensure they returned home before the expiration of the quit notice from Arewa youths.

The new warning came from the leader as a response to a current trending anti-Igbo song in some northern states.

Watch this NAIJ.com TV Video of what Nigerians are saying about the current unrest in the country:

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