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UPDATED: Boko Haram kills chief Imam, 19 others in Borno


Some suspected members of the dreaded Boko Haram sect on Sunday night, September 17 have killed the chief Imam of Kurmiri village of Titiwa ward about 15...

- Boko Haram has killed at least 19 people in Borno state

- The insurgents also killed a chief Imam in Borno village

- The dreaded sect also killed four other persons in Magumeri Local Government Area of the state

No fewer than fifteen people were reportedly killed on Monday, September 18 when two sui*cide bombers struck civilians receiving aid in Borno state, a rescue worker and a member of the civilian militia told AFP.

“There were twin sui*cide explosions at 11:10 am in Mashalari village (near Konduga), which killed 15 and left 43 others injured,” a rescue worker said in an account backed by Babakura Kolo, from the Civilian Joint Task Force.

NAIJ.com had earlier reported that some suspected members of the dreaded Boko Haram sect on Sunday night, September 17 have killed the chief Imam of Kurmiri village of Titiwa ward in Magumeri Local Government Area of Borno state alongside four other persons.

Report had it that the Chief Imam, Ustaz Goni Bukar Tabare is the senior brother to a popular politician in Magumeri, Mallam Goni Kundube.

NAIJ.com also gathered that Magumeri has witnessed a series of deadly attacks in recent past, including the ambush, killing and abduction of NNPC oil exploration workers, contracted staff of University of Maiduguri and 15 members Civilian JTF in Bornoyesu village of Council July this year.

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The attackers, according to investigation came into the village armed with Ak47 rifles, knives and machetes, but decided to execute their victims using knives, because the sounds of gunshots would alert many residents hence repel the attacks, even though, sources said, one of the attackers was arrested.

Confirming the attack, the Caretaker Chairman of Magumeri Local Government Area, Alhaji Abubakar said: “Chief Imam of Kurmiri village and four other persons were killed by suspected members of Boko Haram sect last night”.

Abdulkadir who regretted the incident assured his people that adequate security have been provided and normallcy have been restored.

His words: “We in Magumeri wake up this morning (Monday) and received a distress call that one of our Community witnessed Boko Haram attacks.”

"Five people were killed, including the Chief Imam of Kurmiri village. We regretted this attack and we Pray Allah (God) grant Aljanal Firduas to the souls of the deceased and their families to bear the irreparable loss.

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“I want to commend the effort of our Civilian JTF members, security agencies for their prompt action which led to the apprehension of one of the attackers.

“I also want to urge members of the general public not to panic, but go about their businesses as the situation is under control”. Abdulkadir stated.

Meanwhile, NAIJ.com had previously reported that two soldiers were left injured after a female Boko Haram sui*cide bomber launched a surprise attack on a military checkpoint in the Konduga area of Borno state.

Watch this NAIJ.com video as Nigerian Air Force strengthens its operations against Boko Haram:

Source: Naij.com

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