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Operation Python Dance: Army takes action to prevent revenge attacks on Igbos in Kaduna; increases number of troops


The Army has increased its presence in Zaria as a means to prevent any form of reprisal attacks, following reports of attacks on northerners in the s/east.

- In a bid to avoid reprisal attacks following reports of attacks on northerners in the southeast, the Nigerian army has increased its presence in Zaria, Kaduna state

- Army spokesman, Capt. Haruna Mohammed-Sani, noted that the military was taking measures to safeguard lives and property and avert any occurrence that could jeopardise public order and peaceful coexistence in Zaria

- Members of the public have been urged to maintain calm and remain hospitable as the military goes about its duties

The Nigeria army has increased military presence in Zaria as a measure to prevent any form of reprisal attacks, following reports of attacks on northerners resident in parts of the southeast, NAN reports.

NAIJ.com gathers that a statement by the assistant director, Depot Nigerian Army/Nigerian Military School (MNS) Public Relations, Capt. Haruna Mohammed-Sani, said that there had been tension in the city.

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He said the unfortunate development in the southeast had led to the imposition of curfew in Jos, Plateau state.

He explained that the commandant, Depot Nigerian Army, Brig-Gen. Victor Ezegwu, met with military, paramilitary and other stakeholders to ensure that proactive measures are put in place.

Sani stated that the military was taking measures to safeguard lives and property and avert any occurrence that could jeopardise public order and peaceful coexistence in Zaria.

He advised the general public not to panic due to the increased movement of military agencies on the streets of Zaria and environs.

According to him, it is a normal patrol being carried out to ensure everyone goes about his or her legitimate business without molestation.

He stated: “The peace loving people of Zazzau are therefore enjoined to maintain the tolerant and hospitable culture they are known with for decades.

“Nigerian Army is ever ready to play its traditional supportive role to civil authority when called upon in order to safeguard lives and property.”

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Meanwhile, NAIJ.com previously reported that the Nigerian military released its contact numbers for Nigerians residing in areas where the Operation Python Dance II is taking place.

The deputy director, army public relations, 82 Division, Colonel Sagir Musa, stated that the action was prompted by the military's willingness to carry members of the public along in its operations.

Watch this NAIJ.com TV video asking if Operation Python Dance should be canceled.

Source: Naij.com

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