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Five top transport companies in Nigeria that guarantee comfortable and safe trip


Which ⛟ transport companies in Nigeria are the best ⛟? Here is a list of the top five. Keep reading to learn about these transport companies and their services

Travelling by road in Nigeria especially in public transport can be very difficult and full of stress especially when it is a long trip. Usually, this happens when you fail to plan properly by not taking a good bus. One of the crucial thing in travel planning is to choose a very reputable transport company. Below is a list of our selected top five transport companies in Nigeria.

Transport business in Nigeria

There are many transport companies operating in Nigeria today. They provide both passenger and luggage transport services within Nigeria. Some of these transport companies operate passengers transport service to cities in neighbouring West African countries like Ghana, Benin Republic, Cote D’Ivoire, Togo, etc. Due to the fact that we now have many transport companies, the competition among these companies has grown so much that it is not business as usual.

Road transport business has now moved from just transporting people from one place to another to a customer service packed and value-added services. People now choose which transport company to use based on the quality of their services and their buses, customer’s welfare on transport, safety records and, of course, their prices. Considering all the most important factors such as comfortability, safety, welfare, affordability, etc. we have selected these five transport companies as the top five in Nigeria.

G.U.O. Transport Company

GUO Transport Company

G.U.O. Transport Company, popularly known as G.U.O. Motors, is a household name in the transportation industry. It was established in 1980. This transport company is a division of the G.U. Okeke and Son Limited. They are one of the duly registered transport companies in Nigeria. Due to their many years of service and experience, they are one of the most trusted transport companies.

G.U.O. motors provide both intercity and interstate transportation in Nigeria. They operate a modern and environmentally friendly fleet. They cover more than two hundred destinations across Nigeria and West Africa. G.U.O. motors have become an icon in the transportation business. Millions of passengers enjoy safe, affordable, and enjoyable travels with G.U.O. Motors. They also provide package delivery and haulage services. Their head office is located at 36, Opere Street, Wema Bank Bus Stop, Coker, Lagos State.

Young Shall Grow Transport Limited

The Young Shall Grow Nissan bus

An easy name to remember and one of the most popular transport companies in Nigeria. Young Shall Grow Transport Ltd was established in 1972 by Dr. Vincent Amaechi Oban Odour as a small transportation business. At the start, the company operated travels from Enugu to Onitsha. They began with two locally-assembled Mercedes buses. They now operate more than five hundred transport vehicles.

Young Shall Grow motors provides transport services to numerous cities in Nigeria and other West African countries. Some of the major cities they shuttle include Aba, Abuja, Calabar, Enugu, Jos, Kano, Maiduguri, Onitsha, Owerri, Port Harcourt, Sokoto, Uyo, etc. The head office of Young Shall Grow Transport Limited is located at Old Ojo Road, Maza-Maza, Lagos State.

Chisco Transport Limited

Chisco Transport Limited

Another long-serving transport company in Nigeria is Chisco Transport Ltd. It was founded by Chief Dr. Chidi Anyaegbu in 1978. It started as a retailer for auto parts but later venture into road transport business.

They provide transport services to all the thirty-six states in Nigeria. Chisco Transport has over five hundred luxurious buses in its fleet and transports more than six thousand passengers daily. They also provide passenger transport to cities neighbouring African countries, Accra in Ghana and Lomé in Togo. Their head office is located at 104 Funsho Williams Avenue, (Former Western Avenue) Iponri, Costain, Lagos State.

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God Is Good Motors

God is Good Motors

God Is Good Motors (GIGM) is the most technologically advanced transport company in Nigeria. The company was started in 1998 and has evolved over the years into what it is today. The company has become a household name in the public transport business in Nigeria. They provide amazing traveling experience for the passenger. This transport company operates passenger transport in more than ten states in Nigeria. Recently, God Is Good Motors change its name to GIGM.com and also opened an ultra-modern bus terminal at Jibowu in Lagos State. The company has won numerous awards for their excellent services and contributions to the transport industry. Their head office is located at 202B Uselu Lagos Road, Near Ediaken Market, Benin City, Edo State.

ABC Transport Plc

ABC Transport Plc, Nigeria

ABC Transport PLC is, without doubt, the number one leading transport company in Nigeria. The company started on the 13th of February, 1993 with the vision of running a contemporary road transportation service in Nigeria. Since then, ABC Transport has become the most popular transport company in Nigeria. They provide passenger transport services to major cities in Nigeria and also to cities in some West African countries. They also provide services like cargo express, executive express, haulage, etc. They have ultra-modern bus terminals with comfortable lounges in different cities such as Lagos, Abuja, Port-Harcourt, Aba, Enugu, Owerri, Onitsha, Umuahia, Jos, Bolade, Mbaise, and Accra (the last three are terminals in Ghana). The Chartered Institute of Transport, Nigeria named ABC Transport the Best Transporter in Nigeria in 2015 for their remarkable achievements. Their head office is located at Km 5 MCC Uratta Road Owerri, Imo State.

Best transport companies in Nigeria

These are our selected top five transport companies in Nigeria. They are all duly registered and have been in the business for a reasonable number of years. They are also based on customer reviews. You can be sure you are in good hands with any of these companies.

READ ALSO: Top 10 logistics companies in Nigeria

Source: Naij.com

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