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FCT minister meets security chiefs over terror alert in Abuja


- The FCT minister convened the emergency security meeting to address issue of recent terror alert

- He informed attendants of the meeting that the police and other security agencies have braced up on patrol

- Representatives of the Nigerian army at the meeting offered a quick-response number ‘193’ to the public

The Federal Capital Territory minister Muhammed Bello has convened an emergency security meeting as a response to terror attack alerts issued by some foreign embassies to their citizens living in Abuja.

The minister, represented at the meeting by the Permanent Secretary of FCTA Chinyeaka Ohaa, implored residents be on the alert on issues of security in their communities.

He said the police and other security agencies have braced up on patrol in reported flashpoints of crime as well as enhanced surveillance on supermarkets, malls and gardens among others.

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Premium Times on Tuesday, December 5 quoted Bello as saying the ban on the use of fireworks in the territory is still on.

Meanwhile, the security committee set up informed churches and mosques to galvanise their faithful for increased security alert.

He said: “Residents have also been requested to be conscious of their environment and to report suspicious movements within their neighbourhoods to law enforcement agents.

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The minister noted that the committee expressed concern on reports of a rise in the use of drug in the city.

According to the statement, representatives of the Nigerian army at the meeting offered a quick-response number ‘193’ to the public.

The army representatives noted: “The FRSC released the number 122 for traffic control calls. The Nigerian Army disclosed that the number 193 could be used to alert the Army call centre and give locations on crime, insurgency, fire, drug or even of any soldier molesting a civilian. The number is available on all the networks.”

The committee said it has started security audit of hotels, especially those usually patronized in the FCT to ascertain their security readiness.

From the statement, FCT commissioner of police Sadiq Bello informed that the force was working with other security agencies to ensure “visibility policing, intelligence gathering and sharing as well as joint patrols.”

Meanwhile, NAIJ.com had reported that the United States of America (US) and the United Kingdom (UK) have warned their citizens in Nigeria of impending attacks by Boko Haram terrorists in Abuja and some other areas.

In a statement acquired by NAIJ.com on the official website of the American embassy in Nigeria, the US warned its citizens to be very careful during the yuletide citizen, particularly around the period of Christmas and New Year celebrations.

The statement read: The U.S. Mission urges all U.S. citizens to exercise caution in and around shopping centers, malls, markets, hotels, places of worship, restaurants, bars, and other places where crowds gather in and around the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), from now through the Christmas and New Year’s holiday season."

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Source: Naija.ng

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