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Ludacris and his wife: interesting facts to learn


Ludacris is one of the most famous stars in the United States. His life and projects always attract the attention of his fans. His private life has also bred some rumors. In this post, you will find out the top 5 facts about Ludacris' new wife! Who is she and how did she became his leading lady?Find out more in this article!

Ludacris and his wife

The very first thing you should know about Ludacris new wife is that she is gorgeous. Her name is Eudoxie Mbouguiengue. She is an example of another success story of a person who started from nothing and ended up with a lot. Take a look at the top 5 facts about Ludacris rapper wife!

Eudoxie Mbouguiengue top 5 facts

1. She is Gabonese

This is the first thing you often hear about this beautiful woman. She is native of one of the most interesting countries in West Africa – Gabon. When she first came to the USA, she only knew three English words.

2. Founder of a Non-Profit organization

Ludacris New wife created a Non-Profit organization called Unspoken Angels. One of the goals of this organization is to support women who are in trouble. Eudoxie Mbouguiengue believes that women should be protected and educated. Her organization helps women, not only in West Africa but in the whole continent.

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On her official website, she said the goal of her organization is to reach young ladies who are abused and experience resultant feelings of betrayal, inadequacy, suffering or hurt. Young ladies can see their efforts in this organisation as their new beginning.

3. She is younger than Ludacris

Eudoxie Mbouguiengue is a young lady. The difference in age between her and her man is ten years. To some people, this is a lot but to the couple, they don't have any problems with it- they are happily married!

4. She is very loyal

Eudoxie Mbouguiengue is a very loyal partner to her husband. They started dating back in 2009. She stayed loyal to him for all these years. There was a point when the couple went on the short break, and Ludacris impregnated another lady. It's very difficult to find a girl who can forgive her boyfriend for that. But Eudoxie is one of the girls who can forgive and forget.

5. She owns his heart

It's difficult to conquer the heart of a man like Ludacris. He is a very big star. But she managed to become his girlfriend and later, his wife. This says a lot about her character.

Life of Ludacris with his wife

This couple is very happy together. Eudoxie Mbouguiengue is certainly a good example of a persistent girl. She obviously know how to keep her man.

Therefore, we all can agree that Eudoxie Mbouguiengue and Ludacris are quite a couple to applaud. Just take a look at their pictures, and you will agree that they look lovely together.

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Source: Naija.ng

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