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Gorgeous Igbo wedding attire for him and for her


A wedding day is probably the most important and special event in every person’s life. When you are just about to tie the knot with the person you love, you can not help but wish for this day to go perfectly. Both the bride and the groom would like to look great on that happy occasion. If the couple is Igbo, there is a high chance they would want to wear the traditional wedding attire. Find out everything about how Igbo bride and groom should look like on their special day.

Igbo traditional wedding attire: why is it so special?

The traditional wedding attire really defines the personalities of bride and groom, and their love for their native Igbo culture. Lots of Igbo people who are about to get married make sure they choose the best type of dressing for their special day. The Igbo attire has become so popular mainly because it is really majestic. It demonstrates the African culture and people usually design it with some beautiful additional patterns and jewelry. The end result looks absolutely gorgeous.

Usually, the bride and groom’s attires tend to complement each other. They can be sewn from the exact same fabric, with some occasional exceptions. There is a huge variety of fabrics you can pick for your special personalized attire, which are: Ankara print, Hollandis wax print, abada, george, and of course Ghana wax print. Sometimes people also wear matching blouses that are made of lace, and they tie the wrappers (the official name for it is Akwete).

The bride often wears magnificent necklaces, beads, bracelets, earrings and other jewels. The nails can be painted to match the colours of attire to make the accent even stronger. Also, the brides prefer weaving or braiding their hair and decorating it with coral beads or crowns. However, nowadays the latest trend among young women is wearing a modern cap made of beads in combination with a head tie.

Here, you can read about the most appealing wedding attire for both bride and groom, and probably come up with your own ideas if you are inspired to look perfect at your wedding.

READ ALSO: Igbo traditional wedding attire for the bride

The gorgeous traditional wedding attire for a bride

The Igbo bride should always capture everyone’s attention! All the guests immediately look at the bride when she enters the room. This is the reason why all the brides choose their wedding attires carefully.

The first part of the wedding attire for a bride is the skirt and blouse. However, she has to pay a lot of attention to the colors, because they can look differently on every person. The blouse’s sleeves can have different lengths, and they also can be decorated with various additional things to your preference. Women usually decorate their blouses with different textiles, traditional Nigerian elements, and embroidery.

Quite often the bride’s attire is made to contrast her beautiful tanned skin. Cold or warm, bright or dark – it is completely your choice. The traditional Igbo wedding attire gives room for creativity.

The other part of your wedding look should be the headgear, which is a traditional Igbo element. You can be creative with it as well: mostly women wear a head tie or rich beaded cap decorated with colors.

Then, there are the accessories. You can actually go wild with them or, if you prefer, wear minimal accessories so all the focus is on the dress. The most popular accessories for Igbo wedding are silver and golden jewelry, bracelets made of rich materials or ivory, the gorgeous coral beads that will definitely capture everyone’s attention, and an elegant brooch.

When it comes to the footwear, brides prefer high heels, even though some of them can have flat shoes with them to change later when the wedding moves on to its informal part.

The bride at an Igbo wedding is always strikingly beautiful and her amazing outfit pleases everyone’s eye. You should definitely choose the best attire for your wedding, so you will always remember that day with pleasure and smile at the memories.

Igbo traditional wedding attire for groom

The groom, like the bride should wear something special as well to match his beloved woman. Let us see what the groom usually wears at the traditional Igbo weddings.

The men who are about to tie the knot usually wear Isiagu shirt, which is a kind of pullover, decorated with embroidery of a lion’s head, crowns, or other interesting symbols. The bottom is up to every groom’s preference: some people prefer wearing regular wide-legged trousers, while others choose the wrapper of custom length.

Apart from that, the groom’s outfit also includes accessories, just like the bride’s clothing. Mostly, men wear the coral necklaces to match their bride’s beautiful jewelry – it is really touching when the couple wears matching outfits. Some men also add gold chains and carry a smartly designed walking stick with them, though all of this is optional.

As it was already mentioned, the bride and groom may choose to have similar outfits, which are made of the same fabrics and complement each other well.

However, the most important thing at the Igbo traditional wedding is, undoubtedly, love and respect between the newlyweds. If there is no mutual trust, even the most expensive and gorgeous clothes will not help.

If you are going to have your Igbo traditional wedding, we applaud you for your choice – the organization of a good wedding is quite tough and requires effort. Nevertheless, you are guaranteed to remember this day for your whole life, and the gorgeous traditional outfits will definitely help you with that.

READ ALSO: Igbo traditional wedding attire for groom

Source: Naija.ng

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