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Find out the best smartphone for you from Henreeneo


Henreeneo is a Nigeria based YouTuber with a passion for all things tech; he runs a tech review channel on YouTube where he advises his subscribers on the best available devices in the market to suit their preferences.

With the constant release of new models of smartphones every now and then, it could become very confusing to choose one that would actually live up to expectations and satisfy your needs. This problem can be easily fixed by looking up honest reviews of smartphones before purchasing them, and this is where Henreeneo comes in.

Get advice on the best phones to buy from this guy!

Henreeneo is a Nigeria based YouTuber with a passion for all things tech. When he's not traveling to explore foods in different cultures or playing music part-time, He's also well into programming and UI/UX design. Besides his awesome day job as an App Developer/Systems Administrator, he runs a tech review channel on YouTube where he advises his subscribers on the best available devices in the market to suit their preferences.

When he's not glued to a computer screen or his mobile device, he spends his time reading and visiting with friends to talk about .. (yea you got it right...) tech stuff.

Being greatly bothered by the dearth of information on issues bordering on choices to make regarding devices and pros and cons of such, he decided to launch a review channel on YouTube for the purpose of providing unbiased information and advice freely to all. This channel was launched in May 2017, the first video being a review of the Samsung galaxy S8. A few months later, he introduced techbukka- a tech news blog where he writes about tech news, product reviews and recent trends in the tech world.

Get advice on the best phones to buy from this guy!

His YouTube channel (youtube.com/henreeneo) is dedicated to making in-depth and quality video reviews on consumer electronics and other tech related items with the sole aim of helping his subscribers make the best decisions regarding devices best suited for their needs, price and budget analysis included.

With more than 40 videos on YouTube, his videos have some of the most impressive views in Nigeria. Garnering more than 150k views per videos in a couple of days after posting and he never stops to make the headlines.

He has got viewers and subscribers from all over the world, including countries like India, Thailand, Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Pakistan, USA, Indonesia and UAE to mention a few.

Henreeneo's videos and audio are crisp, clear and concise to give you the confidence you need to deciding which device you would want to purchase

He recently started a new gaming focused series on his YouTube channel called GameOn, to cater to those who have a huge interest in computer/video gaming. He hopes to someday in the future, create a platform and hub where gamers can meet up to express themselves.

Henreeneo also runs a Tech blog 'TechBukka - TechBukka.com' where he writes reviews and posts news updates about the latest happenings in the Tech world.

Get advice on the best phones to buy from this guy!

To know more about Henreeneo and the work he does, you can connect with him on social media platforms:

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/henreeneo

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/henreeneo

Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/henreeneo

Google plus - @henreeneo

You can also watch and subscribe to his YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/henreeneo

Source: Naija.ng

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