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My client will not appear if you don't explain why - Afegbua's lawyer tells DSS


The attorney to Kassim Afegbua, Kayode Ajulo, has demanded the Department of State Security (DSS), to clearly give the reason for and the content of the invitation to the spokesman to ex-military head of state, Ibrahim Babangida.

- Kayode Ajulo, the attorney to Kassim Afegbua, insists that his client will not honour the Department of State Security (DSS)'s invitation

- Afegbua is reported to have honoured a police invitation at the force headquarters

- Ajulo in a letter to the director-general of DSS, Lawal Musa Daura, demands why his client is being invited

Kayode Ajulo, Kassim Afegbua's attorney, has demanded the Department of State Security (DSS), to explain the reason for and the content of the invitation to the spokesman to the ex-military head of state, Ibrahim Babangida.

This is contained in a letter said to be have been received by the Daily Post on Thursday, February 8, from the chamber, the same date Afegbua was asked to appear at the agency's office. The DSS had invited Afegbua on Wednesday, February 7, for a chat with its director-general, Lawal Musa Daura.

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The invitation came few hours after Afegbua responded to police invitation at force headquarters. He was afterwards acquitted of any crime.

However, Ajulo maintained in his letter that his client would not appear if the secret service did not explain why he is being invited in the first place.

The response from Ajulo to the DSS is given below:

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We act as Solicitors to Prince Kassim Afegbua, hereinafter referred to as “Our Client” and on whose firm instruction we write you.

Our client, a renowned Journalist, former Commissioner of Information in Edo State, a patriotic and law abiding Nigerian only last night got information that he has an invitation to honour with the Director General of the State Security Service at the Department of State Service Headquarters, Abuja.

In availing us of the above development, we have accordingly advised our client and, true to character, he has indicated his readiness to honour the said invitation even as he expressed curiosity over the unusual invitation, especially coming on the heels of recent events pertaining to the discharge of his duty to his principal, General Ibrahim Babangida, GCFR.

Our client’s concerns are wary and valid, as very little information has been availed him on the context of the said invitation.

While bound by his sense of duty as a citizen of Nigeria, and with a clear conscience eager to meet with your Director General in due course, we must on his behalf demand that the shroud of ambivalence surrounding his invitation be quickly cleared.

This is achievable by extending a verified formal invitation, whose content should specify the reason(s) for his invitation.

Accept please the assurances of our highest esteem.

Yours truly,

For: Kayode Ajulo & Co. Castle of Law


Dr. Kayode Ajulo

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Earlier, NAIJ.com reported that Kassim Afegbua, spokesman to former head of state Ibrahim Babangida, had allegedly been invited by the State Security Service (SSS).

Afegbua reportedly told the publication that he had received a call from the secret police and was asked to report at its headquarters on Thursday, February 8, no later than 11am.

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Source: Naija.ng

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