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FIRS salary scale in Nigeria


What is Federal Inland Revenue Service? How much will you earn when you become an employee of this agency? You will find all the answers in this article! Just start reading, and you will find out more about FIRS salary scale.

A few words about FIRS

This institution was created in 1943. It was covered by the Inland Revenue Department. The main mission of this structure is to operate as a tax system. It`s a tax revenue collector that is created to work through tax monitoring of citizens.

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This institution has the vision to deliver quality service to all taxpayers and make tax a part of national development. If you want to work with FIRS, then you have to follow the main qualities of this institution:

  • Professionalism;
  • Respect to taxpayers;
  • Continuous learning;
  • Fairness;
  • Accountability;
  • Competence;
  • Self-Discipline;
  • Speed;
  • Efficiency;
  • Team Spirit;
  • Partnering;
  • Information Sharing;
  • Collaborative Decision Making;
  • Transparency.

Therefore, if you wish to work in the Federal Inland Revenue Service, then you need to find a way to become part of the values presented above. It`s the only way you can become a tax officer and help Nigeria to prosper.

Salary Scale of FIRS

The Federal Inland Revenue Service works like any other government agency. Therefore, you can expect the entry-level salary from N80,000 to N100,000 per month. The entry-level salary is given on level 8. Nevertheless, it`s only the approximate FIRS salary .

Nevertheless, according to the Workforgov.ng, the per annum salary for FIRS might get to N1,247,854. Therefore, it`s also indicted that salary on level 7 might get up to the N1,073,217 per annum. It means that this officer can earn up to N89,434 per month. Do not forget about special allowances provided to the tax officers. These allowances may depend on the occupied position, year of service, etc.

According to Glassdoor, the FIRS Nigeria payment for Officer 1 may bet up to N183,000 on the monthly basis.

What do Federal Inland Revenue Service Officers get their money for?

The taxes collected by the service helps to fund the government and provide necessary funds to other aspects of life in the country. Tax officers help to promote services connected with economic activity sectors. Therefore, they stimulate the corporate responsibility of other citizens.

Tax services provide the overall redistribution of wealth within the population. Tax officers monitor the overall wealth of people and may provide the prognosis for the further growth/decline of overall income.

Therefore, there is not much included on the FIRS Nigeria Salary Scale. The approximate salary in this service is around one hundred thousand Naira. Still, it`s always a good start for a career.

READ ALSO: LASTMA salary scale for employees

Source: Naija.ng

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