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2019: President Buhari will win presidential election - Abdulmumin Jibrin


Dr Abdulmumin Jibrin, representing Bebeji/Kiru constituency in the House of Representatives, on Monday, August 6,as a guest on Channels Television’s Roadmap 2019,believes that in 2019 President Muhammadu Buhari will be re-elected.

- The former House Committee Chairman on Appropriation, Abdulmumin Jibrin, said that President Muhammadu Buhari will be re-elected in 2019

- The lawmaker representing Bebeji/Kiru constituency said the defection of some leaders of the All Progressives Congress (APC) would not stop Buhari from winning

- Jibrin also admitted that the 2019 elections would be a tough one which was the best for the nation’s democracy

Dr Abdulmumin Jibrin, representing Bebeji/Kiru constituency in the House of Representatives, believes that in 2019 President Muhammadu Buhari will be re-elected.

NAIJ.com gathered that the lawmaker who was a guest on Channels Television’s Roadmap 2019, was confident that the defection of some leaders of the All Progressives Congress (APC) to the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) would not stop the President from winning the poll.

Jibrin said: “President Muhammadu Buhari will win the 2019 presidential election,” he said in the interview which aired on Monday. “Everybody in politics has his own value.”

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“I don’t want to particularly say they (the defectors) do not have value, but the point that I’ve made consistently is that whatever value they carry, whatever value they have, whether political value or electoral value, it’s not going to affect the chances of Mr President and the chances of APC in the next coming election.”

However, the former House Committee Chairman on Appropriation, admitted that the election would be a tough one.

Jibrin noted that a tight poll was the best for the nation’s democracy, as a slight victory would make the opposition strong, increase the value of every member of the society, as well as make the ruling party not to be too relaxed.

The former House Committee Chairman on Appropriation also highlighted some of the things he considered before he got convinced that the president would win in 2019.

He categorised them into two namely the aspect of political consideration and that of governance which he said included the achievements of the president the areas of security, economy, and anti-corruption war.

The lawmaker said, “One of the major key selling points of Buhari is that he naturally appeals to the masses, to people in the grassroots. You need to see how the people at the grassroots love Buhari; it is an unconditional love.

“It will scare you. it is an unconditional love over their conviction that Buhari is a man of integrity. Buhari has not been dented, no stain on his body and that is counting for him.”

The Kano lawmaker believed the younger generation had realised that the re-election of President Buhari was the easiest path to a generational shift in the country.

According to him, Nigerians in their late 20s and mid-30s will be the ones in the Senate and House of Representatives in the next few years.

On the performance of the government so far, Jibrin said, “President Buhari and the APC government have done excellently well if you ask me, indeed, in these three key areas – security, economy and anti-corruption.”

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NAIJ.com previously reported that a member of the House of Representatives has said that no living Nigerian or even African can match the electoral value of President Muhammadu Buhari.

The lawmaker representing Kiru/Bebeji federal constituency of Kano state, Abdulmumin Jibrin while speaking to journalists in Abuja said while every politician has his or her own value, none including all those leaving the ruling All Progressives Congress can meet up with the electoral value of the president.

Speaking on the gale of defection rocking the APC, Jibrin said: "In politics, everybody has value and the president has never said they do not have value. The national chairman has never said they do not have value, Adams Oshiomole.

Nigeria News: Will Senators, Lawmakers’ Defection from APC Change Power in 2019? on NAIJ.com TV

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Source: Naija.ng

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