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Ibeshi battle Governor Ayade for PDP governorship ticket in Cross River


Emmanuel Ibeshi, first national publicity secretary of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has reportedly become the major challenger to Governor Ben Ayade’s quest for a second term ticket on the platform of the PDP.

- Governor Ben Ayade’s quest for a second term ticket on the platform of the PDP is being challenged by Emmanuel Ibeshi

- Ibeshi was a former member of the House of Representatives and first national publicity secretary of Peoples Democratic Party

- He said the focus of his gubernatorial ambition would be focused on entrepreneurship development

Emmanuel Ibeshi, first national publicity secretary of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has reportedly become the major challenger to Governor Ben Ayade’s quest for a second term ticket on the platform of the PDP.

Vanguard reports that while addressing supporters at the Transcorp Hotel, Calabar, Ibeshi who was a former member of the House of Representatives said the focus of his gubernatorial ambition would be focused on entrepreneurship development.

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”It is unfortunate that the state which used to be a tourist destination is now forgotten by tourists and this is as a result of bad administration that the most tourists infrastructure have gone bad including the famous cable car at the Obudu Ranch Resort," he said.

Ibeshi had recently disclosed during his declaration Cross River state was perhaps the most promising of all the states in the country when when the subsisting democratic dispensation commenced in Nigeria in 1999.

"We recall when tourists from all over the world practically trooped to our State, thanks Donald Duke, who sold the state to the world, and made us the envy of all other states in Nigeria, this is why I am on a rescue mission. I ask Cross Riverians to give me a chance to get our teeming youth positively active again.”

“The Tinapa business and holiday resort; contiguous with the Calabar Free Trade Zone projected to turn around N200 billion annually is dead as Cross River generally is desperate for urban renewal.

"Potholes dot Calabar metropolis and other major city centres across the state that are accidents waiting to happen and Education somehow goes hand in hand with access roads; be it education at the primary school level, secondary or tertiary level, access roads play a key role for quality and skilled teaching staff, as well as timely attendance of classes.

“I am not out to make promises of gigantic projects that are dead on arrival; rather, you will remember me as the governor who ensured that existing select projects become viable and completed the uncompleted ones," he had said.

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NAIJ.com had reported that the governor of Cross River, Ben Ayade, on Monday August 13, increased the monthly allowance of National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) members serving in the state from N3,100 to N5,000.

News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Ayade made the announcement at the closing ceremony for the 2018 `Batch B’ orientation course at the NYSC Orientation Camp in Obubra local government area of the state.

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Source: Naija.ng

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