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2019: Enugu market women endorse Ugwuanyi for second term


Jubilant market women in Enugu state converged at the Government House, Enugu on September 7 to express their firm support for the re-election of Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi in 2019 for entrenching peace and good governance in the state, and assisting traders in the state grow their businesses.

The traders, who described Gov. Ugwuanyi as the most trader-friendly governor, said "we have never had it so good like this since the inception of civilian regime in 1999”.

The women added that Ugwuanyi was the only governor of the state who came on board and remembered the welfare of the traders, stressing that they are supporting his re-election because he cares for them and the masses.

Presenting their stance, the state’s Market Woman Leader, Hon. Esther Edeh, appreciated the governor for the Enugu State Traders Empowerment Scheme his administration launched in 2017 to assist genuine traders who win the monthly open raffle draw of N50,000 each to grow their various businesses, irrespective of state of origin, religion or ethnicity.

She noted the women have benefited immensely from the empowerment programme, expressing delight with the governor’s passion for the wellbeing of the traders, saying: “Every day what he is thinking is what he can do for market traders in Enugu state”.

The excited market women, comprising representatives of all the markets in the state, therefore, unanimously endorsed Ugwuanyi for a second term in office, declaring that “the only thing we can give him is our vote – our united vote goes to you, Gburugburu”.

Hon Edeh maintained that the market women in Enugu state have resolved to work for Ugwuanyi’s re-election in 2019 because he is “our messiah, a God-sent leader, the only and true governor, who knows where it pinches the traders and the poor masses”.

Her words: “Daddy, the reason why we are here is to thank you and also tell you that whatever you want in Enugu state as it concerns traders, we will give it to you double. We have come to say to you that this Lion Building there is no vacancy, come 2019.

“We have to establish that God loves women more than anything he created on Earth. He said that anything we ask of him that He will do it. Others have been praying and endorsing you, but we are women who have gone through nine months of pregnancy and given birth. What we have come here to say today is that God said that we should go and say it and so shall it be in Jesus Name, Amen.

“You don’t have problem. You are not dragging the governorship election with anybody come 2019. We say that it is well with you”.

Responding, Ugwuanyi thanked the women for their support, solidarity and prayers, assuring them of his resolve to continue to serve the people of the state with the fear of God and to improve their living standard.



Source: Naija.ng

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