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Double celebration: Peter Okoye celebrates Nigeria's Independence Day and one year as a solo artiste


Peter Okoye's departure from his former group which was made up of him and his twin happened coincides with Nigeria's Independence Day which is celebrated on October 1. For him, this coincidence holds a special significance.

It's been one year now since Peter Okoye broke off from the now defunct Psquare group to become a solo artiste with the stage name Mr P.

Even more, his departure from the former team that was comprised of himself and his twin brother happened coincides with Nigeria's Independence Day which is celebrated on October 1.

For Peter Okoye, this coincidence holds a special significance, as for one, Independence Day connotes the period Nigeria stopped being a colony of her former British master.

Hence, the star has taken to celebrating this illustrious occasions, his own independence and Nigeria's very own birthday.

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Mr P took his celebration to his Instagram page where he shared a video of a single which has, no doubt, made its mark in the Nigerian music scene. In a caption to the post he shared, the solo singer wrote an emotional post that celebrated himself and the country.

In the caption he shared, Peter made it clear that he was enjoying his freedom. This insinuates that he does not intend to go back to this brother with whom he has formed Psquare, a group which thrived in the music industry.

"Happy Independence Day to my Country Nigeria and my self Mr P.... It’s one year already and I am enjoying every bit of it God has been faithful ! #CoolItDown my first ever single Just getting Started"

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As reported by NAIJ.com, the artist just won his first award as a solo artist. He was not just very excited at the win, he also thanked his fans who he attributed to be the reason for his latest success.

While some fans have still not come to terms with the fact that Peter has departed from Psquare, others have accepted it and have moved on with the current flow of things.

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Read his full statement below:

"Hmmmmmmm, hear yourself out, am not supporting him my dear, if they are twins, remember they are married now and come to think of it, d other twin offended him and he opted out, d other twin @rudeboypsquare should apologize, I talk wit facts, when dey had issues d last time @peterpsquare came out in public, did a video and apologized to d fans, Paul was meant to do same if he wanted peace, now this and u expect him to go back and apologize to Paul again, Even if someone is a fool, he can't b a fool forever, #IstandwithMrP. Sorry to @rudeboypsquare and @judeengees who has Wat I call Foolish pride."

Nigeria News Today: Peter Okoye - Receiving His First Major Award For His Solo Act | Naij.com TV

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Source: Naija.ng

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