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Army kills 2 Boko Haram terrorists, recovers weapons (photos)


The Nigerian army has continued to record commendable success in the fight against Boko Haram as it intercepted some terrorists killing two of them. Two of the terrorists were killed while others escaped with gunshot wounds.

The Nigerian Army has continued to record commendable success in the fight against Boko Haram insurgency as it intercepted some terrorists killing two of them.

According to a post by the army, the incident happened on Thursday, October 25, at Kasaewa checkpoint in Borno state.

Two of the terrorists were killed while others escaped with gunshot wounds after the gun duel.

The army recovered some rifles and magazines as well as clothings belonging to the terrorists.

Army kill 2 Boko Haram terrorists, recover weapons (photos)

Rifles recovered from Boko Haram. Credit; Twitter, Nigerian Army

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The post reads: ”Troops of 122 Battalion eliminate BHTs. Vigilant troops of 122 Batallion Gwoza on Surveillance Patrol intercepted elements of BHT at Kasasewa check point in Borno State on 25 October 2018 at about 2200 hours. At the end of the encounter 2 BHTs were neutralised while others escaped with gunshot wounds.

Army kill 2 Boko Haram terrorists, recover weapons (photos)

2 terrorists were killed in the encounter. Credit; Twitter, Nigerian Army

Equipment captured include three AK47 rifles with Registration Numbers 07042452, 56-35205749, 692530, 3 Magazines, 6 Improvised 7.62 MM (SPECIAL) rounds as well as clothing items which were destroyed.

“Further exploitation of the general area is ongoing. The GOC 7 Division Brig Gen Bulama Biu has commended the troops and urged them to remain vigilant at all times."

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Meanwhile, Legit.ng previously reported that barely 24 hours after being declared wanted by the police over the disappearance of General Alkali (retd), three suspects on Friday, October 26, voluntarily surrendered themselves to the Plateau state police command in Jos.

A source said the other suspects were also ready to surrender themselves but were waiting to see how the persons who already surrendered to the police would be treated.

The three suspects voluntarily surrendered themselves to the police. If the police detain them, it will be difficult to get the others. But if they are granted bail, be assured that they will all appear before the police by next week,” the source stated.

TY Danjuma, Nigerian army and the herdsmen crisis | Legit TV

Source: Legit.ng

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