NAIJ.COM (Nigeria News)

Toke Makinwa flies her staff to Dubai to celebrate his birthday, showers him with sweet words


The celebrity life may have a lot of perks: fancy cars, properties and expensive holiday trips. However, one thing most of these people living in the spotlight lack is loyalty in friends and family. This is why most of them go over board for people who've shown such qualities.

If there is any Nigerian celebrity who is fond of rewarding such, is OAP and fashionista Toke Makinwa. Among the many words used to describe her, kind has been very constant.

Recall a while ago, Legit.ng reported the news of how fellow OAP Osikhena Dirisu, took to social media to recount how the ivory skinned beauty helped gifted him his entire salary which was stolen from him 7 years ago.

Well, Makinwa is back in the news and this time, she has flown one of her staff members to Dubai. According to her, the man identified as Eddy has been with her for 4 years and has been a blessing ever since. As a way to appreciate him, she took him to Dubai to celebrate his birthday.

READ ALSO: OAP Osi reveals how Toke Makinwa once saved him by replacing his stolen salary

Sharing a video she showered him with nothing but kind words: "My surest guy!!!!!!!!!!!!! Edward came into my life 4 years ago, anyone who knows me, know Eddy. We hear crazy stories each day about domestic staff but I’ve been so blessed to have him as a solid support system. We’ve been thru it all. (I cannot begin to explain it all). My marriage ended and Edward came with me, he literally stepped in, set up our first one room flat all by himself, there were times I couldn’t get up to function and he’ll run the household and how can I forget his constant prayers for me, God has been so faithful and kind to my household, he’s kept our feet from moving and our hearts at peace.

We’ve all come far and I share this to encourage everyone out there to Believe. There is power in the words we speak. Speak life, speak positivity, speak God. 3 years ago Edward told me that I’ll be the one to take him out of the country for the first time, I laughed but deep down prayed to God to bless me to bless him for all he’s done for me.

READ ALSO: Personal letter from the Editor-in-Chief of Legit.ng (former NAIJ.com)

He also said I’ll open his food business for him (he makes a mean sharwama by the way) It was his birthday recently and to say thank you to him for being a great guy, I’m so thankful to God that I could bring him on this trip. His faith humbles me all the time. Even when I complain about stuff all Edward says is God go answer prayer ma, God go do am. I may not get plenty things right but the priceless smile and heartfelt joy in feeling right now, nothing compares to it. If i”m no more, I’ll want to believe atleast I made someone’s dream come true and that is everything to me. I’m here to work but the people who help me put this brand together, the people who run my life and constantly bless me with their talent are here to chill. It’s definitely a November to remember. I’m so thankful "

A lot of people reacted to her post, praising her for such a grand gesture as not so many people in her position would be so generous to their staff.


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