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Jonathan was Nigeria’s worst political mistake - Abiola’s wife declares


- Zainab Duke-Abiola, the wife of late Moshood Abiola, says it is ludicrous for Jonathan to claim that former US president, Barack Obama and ex-UK prime minister, David Cameron, interfered with the Nigeria’s 2015 presidential election

- Duke questions if Jonathan ameliorated the sufferings of Nigerians or even the marginalized Niger Deltans with the power Nigerians entrusted him

- Zainab says Jonathan lost the 2015 presidential election because he made himself the sole candidate of the PDP despite his abysmal failure in governance

Zainab Duke-Abiola, wife of late Moshood Abiola, has accused ex-president, Goodluck Jonathan, of monumental manipulation of historical facts and figures in his newly published book, My Transition Hours.

The wife of the presumed winner of the June 12, 1993, presidential election, in a statement on Thursday, November 22, said Jonathan will go down in history as Nigeria’s worst political mistake.

She said it was ludicrous for Jonathan to claim that former US president, Barack Obama and ex-UK prime minister, David Cameron, interfered with Nigeria’s 2015 presidential election.

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Duke-Abiola said even after he conceded defeat to Muhammadu Buhari, Jonathan remained fixated on the presidency and refused to believe that Nigerians had voted him out of power because of his gross incompetence and ineptitude.

She questioned if Jonathan ameliorated the sufferings of Nigerians or even the marginalized Niger Deltans with the power Nigerians entrusted him.

“For the records, Jonathan lost the election because he made himself the sole candidate of the PDP despite his abysmal failure in governance. He directed the party to print only one presidential nomination Form 001, which I paid for, but because of his blind ambition, he confiscated my presidential nomination Form 001 and went into the political battlefield in borrowed robes, thereby meeting his political Waterloo accordingly,” she said.

“I think the only option left for Jonathan is to plead with God and Nigerians for forgiveness and until we forgive him, he should remain in his purgatory of lethargy. No amount of write-up can erase the fact that he took this great nation for granted.

READ ALSO: NAIJ.com upgrades to Legit.ng: a letter from our Editor-in-Chief Bayo Olupohunda

“The indeprecabilis question for Jonathan to answer is What did he do with the power Nigerians entrusted him with? Did he ameliorate the sufferings of Nigerians or even the marginalized Niger Deltans? Did he even put drinking water in his own village? Are Jonathan’s village mansions accessible by road? Why does he charter helicopters to travel to his own village?

“Jonathan said corruption is not stealing and thereafter flagged off the looting spree of the treasury, which ultimately plunged Nigeria into recession when he left. Jonathan will go down in history as Nigeria’s worst political mistake.”

Meanwhile, Nigerian presidency has reacted to Goodluck Jonathan's claims that there is more corruption in the country under President Muhammadu Buhari's watch than when he was in office.

Legit.ng reports that the presidency's reaction was contained in statement issued on Thursday, November 22, by the senior special assistant to the president on media and publicity, Garba Shehu, in Abuja.

Shehu described Jonathan's claim as absolute false, adding that the facts on ground run contrary to the former president's 'outlandish' claim.

NAIJ.com (naija.ng) -> Legit.ng. We have updated to serve you better.

Jonathan replies to Buhari's allegations | Legit TV

Source: Legit.ng

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