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Learn everything you need about NSUK postgraduate courses


If you are searching for a list of Nasarawa State University postgraduate courses, here it is for you. Below, you will find, which programmes and courses are available at this university for those who want to go into further education after completing their basic university programme.

Image source: pulse.ng

The list of available postgraduate courses for 2018/2019 NSUK

The Nasarawa State University, Keffi (which is also known as NSUK) offers its students plenty of opportunities for postgraduate studying at the University. Here we have a list of these offers if you are interested in all the details.

Image source: depositphotos.com

READ ALSO: Courses offered in Nasarawa State University in 2018

  • Faculty of Administration

If you are into going into further postgraduate education at this faculty, you can receive a Master’s degree in Accounting, Business Administration (in Accounting, Finance, Entrepreneurship, Human Resource Management, General Management, Marketing, and Management Information System), Public Administration (in Local Government Administration, Management, Personnel Administration, Public Policy Analysis).

You can get a Ph.D. in Accounting, Banking and Finance, Business Administration, and Public Administration. M.Sc. is available in Accounting, Banking and Finance, Business Administration, Entrepreneurship, Public Administration. PGD is available in Accounting, Banking and Finance, Business Administration, Entrepreneurship, and Public Administration.

Image source: shutterstock.com

  • Faculty of Agriculture

Here you can get a Ph.D. in the following departments: Agricultural Economics, Crop Science/Protection, Soil Science, Aquaculture and Fisheries (Fish Nutrition, Fisheries Conservation, Fish Breeding, Fish Gear Technology), Home Science and Management (Textile, Food, Consumer Education & Behavior, Child Development), Animal Science.

M.Sc is available in Agricultural Economics/Extension, Crop Science/Protection, Soil Science, Aquaculture and Fisheries, Home Science & Management, Animal Science. PGD is available in Agric Economies & Farm Management, Agronomy (crops, soil and water, animals), Fisheries, Home Science and Management (Textile, Food, Child Development)

Image source: stutterstock.com

  • Faculty of Arts

Within this faculty, all the degrees are available in the same departments: (Arabic, English Language/Literature), French (Language & Linguistics, African Literature in French, Comparative Literature), History (except PGD), Islamic Studies, Linguistics (except PGD), Philosophy and Religion (Traditional religions, Biblical Studies (Old and New Testaments separately), Church History, Philosophy, Sociology of Religion) (except PGD), and Theatre Arts & Culture (Theatre Arts, Media Arts, Cultural Policy & Management, Development Communication, Cultural Administration).

Image source: pulse.ng

READ ALSO: UNIBEN masters degree courses

  • Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences

Ph.D. is available in Biochemistry, Microbiology (Food and Industrial, Environmental), Plant Genetics (Plant Science and Breeding, Plant Genetics), Zoology (Hydrobiology and Fisheries, Entomology and Parasitology), Chemistry, Geology, Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, and Physics (Theoretical, Plasma, Radiation, Geophysics, Electronics).

M.Sc. and PGD are available in Biochemistry, Microbiology (Food, Industrial, Environmental, Medical), Plant Genetics and Breeding, Biodiversity (PGD only), Zoology (Hydrobiology, Fisheries, Entomology, and Parasitology), Chemistry (Industrial and General), all types of Geology and Mining, Computer Science (Databases and Information Systems, Software Engineering), Mathematics (Pure and Applied), Statistics, and all types of Physics.

Image source: blogspot.com

  • Faculty of Law

LLM is available in Law and Government, Taxation, Energy and Natural Resources, Intellectual Property, Entertainment, Law Enforcement, Administration, Communications, Security Law, Investment Law, Constitution and Human Rights, Banking and Finance, Islamic Banking and Finance, International Maritime Law, etc.

Ph.D., M.Phil, and Master are available in Law. PGD is available in Refugee an International Humanitarian Law, and in Arbitration.

Image source: pulse.ng

  • Faculty of Education

M.Ed.’s are available in Educational Administration and Planning, Curriculum Studies, Philosophy of Education, Guidance and Counselling, Measurement and Evaluation, Educational Psychology, Sociology of Education, Mathematics Education, Science Education.

M.Phil.’s and Ph.D.’s are offered in the following departments: Curriculum Studies, Measurement & Evaluation, Philosophy & Ethics, Educational Admin & Planning, Educational Psychology, Philosophy of Education, Sociology of Education, Measurement & Evaluation, Educational Admin & Planning, Guidance & Counselling, Sociology of Education, Educational Psychology, Philosophy of Education, Curriculum Studies, Science Education, and Mathematics Education.

Image source: blogspot.com

READ ALSO: Baze University postgraduate courses

  • Faculty of Social Sciences

Ph.D./M.Phil.’s are available here in the following departments: Economics, Mass Communication, Political Science (Political Economy and Development, Public Policy Analysis, International Relations), Clinical Psychology, General Psychology (Forensic/Correctional, Industrial Organizations), Sociology.

Image source: shutterstock.com

  • Faculty of Environmental Sciences

Ph.D.’s, M.Phil.’s and M.Sc. in the following departments: Geography (Climatology, Environmental Resource Management, Geomorphology). It’s also possible to become a Master of Environmental Resource Management, and a Master of Urban and Regional Planning. PGD degrees are earned here: Geography (Climatology), Environmental Resource Management, Land Administration, Disaster Management, Urban and Regional Planning.

  • Institute of Governance

All the degrees are available in the departments of Security and Strategic Studies, Peace and Conflict Studies, Forensic Studies (Forensic Investigations (Accounting and Auditing, Digital Forensics)), Law and Corporate Governance, Public Procurement.

Image source: blogspot.com

  • Institute of Education

Here you can receive a PGD in Educational Administration and Planning, Education, Guidance and Counselling.

  • Centre for Cyberspace

Here you can receive M.Sc. in Cyber Security.

Nasarawa State University postgraduate admission

Image source: pulse.ng

To enroll for the postgraduate programmes, you will to fill the application form and apply for admission. The forms are sold on the official website of the university and cost N15,000. In addition to the form, applicants need to pay extra N5,000 for screening. All the details of the application procedure are described at the official website.

Before you start the application process for NSUK postgraduate programmes and courses, check carefully whether you are really eligible. You should always remember that the payments made for application forms are never refunded.

Keep an eye on the website in order not to skip the announcement on the date of pre-qualifying exams!

READ ALSO: Nasarawa State University school fees

Source: myschoolgist.com

Source: Legit.ng

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