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Danjuma, others describe PDP, APC as failure, reveal why Nigerians should not vote for them


- A concerned elders group under the aegis of National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF) have warned Nigerians against voting PDP and APC in 2019

- The group, led by elders statesmen like Theophilus Danjuma, alleged that the two leading parties in the country are failure

- It called on Nigerians to look inwards for credible alternatives and new names for the political leadership of the country

The concerned Nigerians under the aegis of National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF) have described the All Progressives Congress (APC) and Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) as "two evils" that Nigerians should avoid in the 2019 general election.

The Punch reports that the group, which has former minister of defence, Theophilus Danjuma, Professor Joseph Otubu, Joshua Dogonyaro, Archbishop Magnus Atilade, Kate Okpareke and others as its members, made this proclamation on the APC and the opposition PDP.

Legit.ng gathers that the chairman of the group, Solomon Asemota, in a statement released with the scribe of the Christian Socialist Movement of Nigeria (CSMN), Bosun Emmanuel, called on Nigerians to start seeking for new names in the politics of Nigeria.

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The group also accused both APC and PDP of impoverishing Nigerians and make the mess out of the resources available in the country.

He said: “Nigerians must begin to clamour for new candidates and new political parties. It is not too late to mobilise and dismiss the current political class that devalued naira by over 1,600 % from 1999 to 2018 and, at the same period, increased the price of fuel by 625 %.

“Jointly, the PDP and the APC impoverished and pauperised Nigerians and turned the country into the poverty capital of the world.

"It makes sense to reject the two frontline parties, the APC and the PDP, for lack of credible performance."

The group also lamented the poor state of the country, warning that electing the two leading parties in the Nigeria to power in 2019 would result to a proverbial jumping from fire into furnace.

It warned: "We are persuaded that the nation should feel compelled, within the next few months, to look in another direction for its salvation. If that is not done, Nigerians would have willingly jumped from the fire into the furnace.

"We are already sensitised as to what is ahead with the slogan – ‘two evils.’ NCEF is convinced that if Nigerians are truly desirous of good governance, then all Nigerians have need to be diligent to look outside of these two major parties.

The group also used the avenue to clamour for restructuring of the country, adding that such move is necessary for a united country.

“NCEF insists, in agreement with other well-meaning Nigerians, that restructuring the country must be a cardinal campaign issue for the 2019 elections.

"Therefore, the Christian elders emphasise the need to draw up a charter of agreement to be signed by presidential candidates to complete with timelines for implementation."

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Meanwhile, Legit.ng earlier reported that Jacob Ajegena-Kudu, an aspirant on the platform of APC in Nasarawa state, had urged Nigerians not to vote for non performing politicians in the 2019 general elections.

He said instead, they should vote in leaders of proven integrity who had the interest of development of the country and the welfare of its citizens at heart.

Kudu, who was seeking election to represent Nassarawa Eggon constituency at the state legislature, gave the advice on Saturday, September 8, in a meeting with party stakeholders in Akun, Akun development area of the state.

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Source: Legit.ng

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