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Tinubu sends letter to Ribadu, says EFCC’s ex-chairman has more to give Nigeria


A national stalwart of the All Progressives Congress, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, on Sunday, December 9, congratulated the former chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Mallam Nuhu Ribadu, for winning the global lifetime award for anti-corruption.

Tinubu said the award was a testament to his dedication in fighting corruption.

Legit.ng understands that the award administered by Doha, Qatar-based think tank, Rule of Law and Anti-corruption Centre (ROLACC), celebrates corruption fighters, academics and campaigners from around the world.

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Ribadu received the award at a ceremony held over the weekend at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre in Malaysia.

In a letter Tinubu personally signed and sent to Ribadu and entitled Global Lifetime Award for Anti-Corruption, the APC leader reminded the former EFCC chairman that his work is not finished yet and that he still has much to give Nigeria and the world.

“Congratulations for winning the Global Lifetime/Outstanding Award for anti-corruption. The award is a testament to your singular dedication in fighting corruption in order to make ours a more excellent country and to restore our national reputation. The award shows that a person of integrity and commitment can make a difference and indeed be successful without sacrifice of principle or ethics.

“In recognition of your intrepid work as the first chairman of EFCC and for your contributions to good governance and anti-corruption worldwide, the award was more than warranted. It was richly deserved. You personify the best of our nation.

“As EFCC chairman, you erected the necessary law enforcement architecture for the fight against corruption. The excellence and importance of your work is recognized by President Muhammadu Buhari who has carried on the anti-corruption campaign with zeal and determination by further strengthening the EFCC and making the anti-corruption fight a pillar of his administration.

“With this award, you make your fellow Nigerians proud because the award is also recognition that we are a land of intelligent and honourable people and that corruption is not intrinsic in our national character. With the award you also secure your place among the most respected anti-corruption fighters and law enforcement figures in the world.

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“Dear brother, you must also remember what this award does not say. While it recognizes you for work excellently done it does not mean that your work is at all finished. You still have much to give Nigeria and the world. Your unique expertise and compassion for our people means you must continue to help build progressive good governance so that our people may soon have the just and prosperous nation they deserve.

“Continue to be a leader of resolve and a role model to the next generation,” Tinubu said.

Legit.ng earlier reported that President Muhammadu Buhari congratulated Nuhu Ribadu for winning the Anti-Corruption Lifetime Achievement Award.

According to series of tweets from the presidency on Sunday, December 9, Buhari described the award as a rare privilege.

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Source: Legit.ng

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