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Footballer suspended for 6 months after lying about being 16-years-old


- Gourav Mukhi has been handed a six-month ban for lying about his age

- Mukhi was listed by the All India Football Federation to be the youngest goalscorer

- But it has been discovered he could not provided concrete evidence of being 16

Jamshedpur FC striker Gourav Mukhi has been suspended for age falsification after claiming to be 16-years-old.

Mukhi made the headlines after becoming the youngest player to score in the Indian Super League but the event took a dramatic turn.

Back in October, the youngster scored a goal against Bengaluru FC and was listed as a record breaker on the ISL website.

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But since his famous goal, the All India Football Federation have given him a six month sentence for failing to provide correct evidence.

In a short statement released by the national football federation, the AIFF said the following:

"All India Football Federation (AIFF) Disciplinary Committee has imposed a six-month suspension on Jamshedpur FC player Gourav Mukhi with immediate effect.

"The AIFF Disciplinary Committee found the player Gourav Mukhi guilty on the basis of the evidence presented by him, his admissions and the statements of Manager of U-16 AIFF academy in 2015.

"The AIFF Disciplinary Committee also observed that the existing registration of Gourav Mukhi, both in the Central Registration System (CRS) as well as the Competition Management System (CMS) shall stand cancelled and revoked with immediate effect, with liberty upon the player/his appropriate club, to submit original valid appropriate documents for fresh registration under CRS and CMS."

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According to an author in Telegraph India, Muhki's real age is actually 28-years-old - not the 16 years of age he had previously claimed.

The news suggestion caused a stir on social media and Mukhi resignation has also been revoked.

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Mukhi has also been involved in age fraud when he was caught in 2015 during a National Championship.

Meanwhile, Legit.ng had earlier reported that Lokomotiv Moscow star Alexey Lomakin lost his life after he froze to death in Moscow.

The 18-year-old's mother had raised an alarm after she could not get in touch with him on November 30.

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Source: Legit.ng

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