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13 Insanely Expensive Celebrity Weddings That All Ended in Divorce - RJ


There was a time in the past when weddings were simple. Couples say their vows, ate a little cake, drank a little wine, invited guests munch some rice and that was it. Unfortunately, that's not the case these days. Presently, an average wedding costs over $30,000, and that doesn’t cover the honeymoon. Cue the cascading flower curtains, a champagne fountain, and late-night food truck.

Needless to say, weddings are trendier than ever, and there are no signs they'll be stopping anytime soon. If you think the average couple pulls out all the stops, you can imagine how well celebrities know how to throw down the red carpet on their special day.

Oddly enough, no matter how much a couple blows on their wedding, be it a star or a normal person, it doesn't ensure a happy marriage. For these 13 celebrity couples, spending an arm and a leg on their big day may have been a jinx. From least to most expensive, these celebrity weddings ended in a nasty divorce.

13. Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston, $1 million

13 Insanely Expensive Celebrity Weddings That All Ended in Divorce - RJ
Source: UGC

Okay, seriously, who didn't love a combo of Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston? Besides quite possibly being the most beautiful couple to ever grace the red carpet, they seemed cute and nearly perfect. It was in July 2000 that Aniston and Pitt said I do in Malibu, California. With flowers, multiple bands, and fireworks galore, the wedding was unquestionably a very classy affair.

In 2005, after almost five years, the couple’s marriage ended in divorce. Although Pitt claims he didn't have an affair with “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” costar Angelina Jolie, the on-screen couple certainly shared a chemistry. Throughout the process, Aniston remained impressively composed when discussing the divorce with the media outlets.

12. Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom, $1 million

13 Insanely Expensive Celebrity Weddings That All Ended in Divorce - RJ
Source: Instagram

This pair wasted no time rushing to the altar. In September 2009, Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom tied the knot just one month after dating. The $1 million ceremony aired for the world on Keeping Up with the Kardashians, where Kardashian donned a Vera Wаng dress.

Cut the story short a few years, and viewers looked on as Kardashian and Odom separated and eventually divorced in 2015. Why? Odom publicly battled with drug use and allegedly cheated on Kardashian.

11. Madonna and Guy Ritchie, $1.5 million

13 Insanely Expensive Celebrity Weddings That All Ended in Divorce - RJ
Source: UGC

In a Scottish castle, Madonna and Guy Ritchie’s $1.5 million wedding was kept very hush hush. An intimate and top-secret celebrity wedding is pretty hard to pull off, but the couple managed to do it. The December 2000 nuptials remained intact until their divorce in 2008.

Madonna later opened up about the couple’s split, claiming, “There were times when I felt incarcerated.” The legendary performer felt she didn't get enough creative support from Ritchie.

10. Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren, $1.5 million

13 Insanely Expensive Celebrity Weddings That All Ended in Divorce - RJ
Source: Facebook

Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren tied the knot in Barbados at the Sandy Lane Resort on the 5th of October 2004. After the $1.5 million wedding, the couple went on to live a pretty extravagant lifestyle together. Nordegren gave birth to two children, but in late 2009, the couple’s marriage started to publicly unravel with claims Woods had had almost a dozen extramarital affairs.

Woods and Nordegren finalized their divorce in 2010, and Nordegren quickly removed herself from the spotlight. Notably, Nordegren received a $750 million settlement with the divorce, along with an agreement that the couple’s children would not be exposed to Woods’ many women.

9. Eddie Murphy and Nicole Mitchell, $1.5 million

13 Insanely Expensive Celebrity Weddings That All Ended in Divorce - RJ
Source: Instagram

In 1993, Eddie Murphy and Nicole Mitchell tied the knot at the Plaza Hotel in New York City. The couple spent $1.5 million and hosted 500 guests for the soirée. Murphy and Mitchell spent $25,000 on the cake alone.

Despite all the glitz and glamour of the wedding day, Mitchell filed for divorce in 2005 on grounds of irreconcilable differences. The divorce became final in 2006.

8. Elizabeth Taylor and Larry Fortensky, $1.5 million

13 Insanely Expensive Celebrity Weddings That All Ended in Divorce - RJ
Source: Facebook

The British actress and beauty Elizabeth Taylor was married many times. Eight to be exact. Taylor and Larry Fortensky tied the know in October 1991 at Michael Jackson’s famous Neverland Ranch. The wedding was evaluated to cost $1.5 million, for which Jackson supposedly foot the bill.

While many thought Taylor’s eighth wedding would be the one that stuck, Fortensky just couldn’t handle the limelight that followed Taylor. The couple went their separate ways but remained friends until Taylor’s death in 2011.

7. Christina Aguilera and Jordan Bratman, $2 million

13 Insanely Expensive Celebrity Weddings That All Ended in Divorce - RJ
Source: Facebook

Two million dollars, 150 guests, and an $80,000 wedding gown later, Christina Aguilera and Jordan Bratman were married in California’s Napa Valley. The couple shared one child together but didn’t last very long. Aguilera and Bratman divorced in 2011.

Aguilera opened up to People in an interview stating that the two had grown apart, and she didn’t want to face another five years of living in an unhappy marriage.

6. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, $3 million

13 Insanely Expensive Celebrity Weddings That All Ended in Divorce - RJ
Source: Twitter

Anyone that tuned in to the Oprah Winfrey Network recalls seeing Tom Cruise jump up and down on Oprah’s couch, proclaiming his mad love for Katie Holmes. Bottom line about that whole charade — it really freaked out many people. Nevertheless, Holmes and Cruise married one another in an Italian castle in 2006. The affair was estimated to cost about $3 million.

After almost six years of marriage, Holmes filed for divorce from Cruise. Cruise later revealed in a court deposition that one of the reasons Holmes left the marriage was because she wanted to protect their daughter from Scientology.

5. Elizabeth Hurley and Arun Nayar, $2.5 million

13 Insanely Expensive Celebrity Weddings That All Ended in Divorce - RJ
Source: Getty Images

Elizabeth Hurley and Arun Nayar, multi-million dollar heir to an Indian textile business, were married not once, but twice, in 2007. One wedding took place in an English castle, the other in Nayar’s hometown in India, and $2.5 million later, the couple still wasn’t able to keep it together.

In 2010, Hurley was caught sharing a smooch with Australian cricketer Shane Warne at a very public cricket match in London. Hurley and Nayar inevitably divorced in 2011.

4. Paul McCartney and Heather Mills, $3 million

13 Insanely Expensive Celebrity Weddings That All Ended in Divorce - RJ
Source: Original

After meeting at an event in 1999, Sir Paul McCartney and Heather Mills started dating. In 2002, the couple became married on the grounds of an Irish castle. The whole affair was said to have cost $3 million. McCartney and Mills have one daughter together, Beatrice.

Sadly, in 2008, McCartney and Mills parted ways. McCartney calls the whole marriage “the mistake of the decade.” Mills, on the other hand, walked away with a $30 million settlement. She was “very, very, very pleased” with the way the split shook out.

3. Liza Minnelli and David Gest, $3.5 million

13 Insanely Expensive Celebrity Weddings That All Ended in Divorce - RJ
Source: Twitter

A party of 500 guests with Micheal Jackson as best man and Tony Bennett with a 60-piece orchestra easily racked up the tab on Liza Minnelli and David Gest’s wedding to $3.5 million. The 2002 star-studded ceremony may jar memories of the wildly messy kiss that sealed the deal between the two.

Nevertheless, the lavish wedding didn’t work out. But the couple didn’t just go their separate ways, Minnelli and Gest aired their dirty laundry for the world to hear. From assault allegations to Gest accusing Minnelli of exposing him to herpes, it’s fair to say this relationship was doomed from the start.

2. Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries, $10 million

13 Insanely Expensive Celebrity Weddings That All Ended in Divorce - RJ
Source: Twitter

It's no secret that Kim Kardashian lives a lifestyle far more extravagant than the average human. But when it comes to parties, Kim Kardashian knows how to pull out all the stops. Kardashian and Kris Humphries began dating in October 2010, and by May 2011, Humphries had proposed marriage with a $2 million ring. Clearly, on the fast track, the couple spent $10 million on their wedding in August 2011 in front of 450 guests.

The pair quickly realized they had bit off more than they could chew, splitting just 72 days after the event. Kardashian officially filed for divorce three months after their marriage, citing incompatible differences.

1. Prince Charles and Princess Diana, $110 million

13 Insanely Expensive Celebrity Weddings That All Ended in Divorce - RJ
Source: Instagram

Cut down due to inflation, the wedding between Prince Charles and the late Princess Diana is reckoned to have cost $110 million. The marriage of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer took place on July 29, 1981, at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. Hundreds of millions watched as the royal wedding proceeded on TV.

Sadly, Princess Diana and Prince Charles didn’t live the fairytale so many had hoped. In 1992, the couple announced their separation. The divorce became final in 1996. Stories later came out around the not-so-happy marriage with adulteries on both sides.

Source: Legit.ng

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