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Some forces do not wish Nigeria well - Army Chief warns


The Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General Tukur Buratai, on Tuesday, December 25, said some elements had been making efforts to bring disaffection among troops and officers through false information and claims on social media.

- Army Chief has warned soldiers against propaganda by some individuals in the fight against Boko Haram

- Lieutenant General Tukur Buratai said some forces do not wish Nigeria well

- According to him, these forces have been making efforts to bring disaffection among troops and officers through false information and claims on the social media

The Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General Tukur Buratai, on Tuesday, December 25, said some elements had been making efforts to bring disaffection among troops and officers through false information and claims on the social media.

Speaking at a Christmas luncheon for the Nigerian Army troops under the Operation Lafiya Dole at Delwa in Konduga local government area of Borno said that there many elements in the country who did not wish it well.

The Army Chief also vowed that the army would not allow it as it was doing its best for the country and the army loved its soldiers and would never toy with their welfare.

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Buratai said the troops that federal government and Nigerians appreciated their efforts in the ongoing counter-terrorism operations and warned them to be wary of Boko Haram terrorists’ misinformation and propaganda.

Chief of Army staff serves lunch to troops on Christmas

Chief of Army staff serves lunch to troops on Christmas. Photo credit; S.K Usman
Source: Facebook

He said that the propaganda was to demoralise the troops and break their cohesion and fighting spirit.

“You have decimated the Boko Haram terrorists, but they want to brainwash you through propaganda. You should not believe their lies and misinformation.

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Having made significant progress and sacrifices in the fight against terrorism and insurgency in the country, what is remaining is to clear the remnants of the Boko Haram terrorists," Buratai said.

Some forces don not wish Nigeria well - Army Chief warns

The Army chief warned the troops against listening to propaganda by some individuals. Photo credit: S.K Usman
Source: Facebook

Meanwhile, Legit.ng previously reported that Buratai had embarked on an operational visit to troops of operation Lafiya Dole, as part of an effort to enhance campaign against Boko Haram insurgents in the northeast states.

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In a statement on Friday, December 21, in Maiduguri, Brigadier General Sani Kukasheka, the director, Nigerian Army public relations, said that Buratai had on Thursday, December 20, visited troops of the 27 Task Force Brigade and the Nigerian Army special forces school, Buni Yadi in Yobe.

Kukasheka said the visit was part of the chief of army staff’s continuous efforts to personally engage and interact with commanders and troops on operational activities.

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Source: Legit.ng

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