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Christmas: Ndigbo group lauds NNPC, FG for ensuring availability of fuel


Ndigbo Unity Forum (NUF), a pan-Igbo socio-cultural group, has lauded the federal government and the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) for the availability of fuel in the south-east during the yuletide.

- A pan-Igbo socio-cultural group, Ndigbo Unity Forum (NUF), has lauded the federal government and the NNPC for the availability of fuel in the south-east during the yuletide

- The group commended the NNPC for making sure that the nation does not experience fuel shortage at petrol stations nationwide, especially in the south-east, as it used to be in the past

- The NUF, however, decried the increase in fare prices, by 100 percent, by transporters in some routes in the country

Ndigbo Unity Forum (NUF), a pan-Igbo socio-cultural group, has lauded the federal government and the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) for the availability of fuel in the south-east during the yuletide.

The president of NUF, Augustine Chukwudum, gave the commendation while speaking with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Thursday, December 27, in Enugu.

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“NUF wishes to commend the federal government, especially President Muhammadu Buhari, for ensuring that Nigerians do not face hardship and disasters associated with fuel scarcity.

“We also commend the NNPC for making sure that the nation does not experience fuel shortage at petrol stations nationwide, especially in the south-east, as it used to be in past years during the yuletide.

“We are happy that those who traveled this time around to their various villages, communities and states have no complaint about fuel,’’ Chukwudum said.

He, however, urged the federal government to create an enabling environment and give more licenses to those wishing to build refineries (modular refineries).

This he said was necessary so that more companies or individuals could refine fuel locally to check all forms of shortage of the product.

“We call on the federal government to give more licenses to people who want to refine petrol locally; by so doing, government will solve the problem,’’ he said.

The NUF boss, however, decried the increase in fare prices, by 100 percent, by transporters in some routes in the country.

He said: “We are calling on federal and state governments to checkmate the excesses of transport companies who castrate people during festive period. It must be stopped.’’

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Meanwhile, Legit.ng previously reported that Nigerians applauded the President Muhammadu Buhari-led government and the leadership of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), led by its group managing director, Dr Maikanti Baru, for ensuring adequate supply of petroleum products this festive season.

The NNPC GMD undertook an on-the-spot assessment of products supply and distribution situation across some fuel stations in Abuja and its environs.

During the visitation to several filling stations, he was commended by motorists and petroleum products marketers.

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Source: Legit.ng

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