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We witnessed the worst Christmas without our daughter - Leah Sharibu's parents lament


Nathan and Rebecca Sharibu, the parents of Leah who has been in Boko Haram captivity, have lamented that Tuesday, December 25, was the worst Christmas they have ever witnessed because of her long and painful absence.

- The family of the captive of Boko Haram, Leah Sharibu, on Wednesday, December 26, lamented that they witnessed the worst Christmas without her

- Leah's parents, Nathan and Rebecca, said that they miss their daughter for each of the 309 days she has been in captivity

- Nathan said that the family's grief and pain deepens as days stretch into months without knowing her whereabouts

The absence of Leah Sharibu during the 2018 Christmas celebration has caused her family deep sorrow and pain.

Speaking with newsmen on Wednesday, December 26, Leah's father, Nathan Sharibu, lamented that the family missed their daughter for the past 309 days she has been in captivity, adding that this was the first time they are celebrating Christmas without her, Vanguard reports.

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Nathan said: “My Christmas was very sad, very very sad. My wife and our son came to spend the holidays with me in Yola and we were together here. To answer your question, our Christmas was very sad because of the absence of my daughter.

"We have to eat to encourage ourselves since we have not heard anything from any quarters as to when our daughter will be released to join the rest of us. This is the first time we are spending Christmas without Leah.”

Leah's father further said that their grief deepens as the days stretch into months without her. Also, her mother, Rebecca Sharibu, said that she joined her husband in Yola where the family celebrated the first Christmas without the accomplished chorister of the family who, if around, would have sung a collection of Christmas carols to grace the occasion.

Rebecca said: “To tell the truth, we all felt bad that we are marking Christmas without Leah. This is the first time this is happening and you can imagine how we feel.”

“It was a quiet Christmas with my husband and our son, who is on holidays. Nobody is talking to us any longer. We are just believing God to give our daughter a miraculous deliverance.

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"You know every day we are just hoping that God will surprise us and we will hear a knock on our door and Leah will just walk into my warm embrace.

"That’s my daily prayer now and I strongly believe, He will not disappoint us,” the soft-spoken mother prayed."

Meanwhile, Legit.ng reported that Lai Mohammed, the minister of information and culture, had given assurance on the return of Leah.

The minister gave hints about the federal government's relentless effort in rescuing Leah from the den of her kidnappers during the 100 years celebration of St. Andrews Catholic Church, Oro, his home town near Ilorin in Kwara state.

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Source: Legit.ng

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