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BREAKING: Several lives lost as explosions hit Maiduguri


Several explosions reportedly triggered by Boko Haram suicide bombers and aimed at target have hit Maiduguri, the Borno state capital late on Sunday, January 8.

Several explosions have hit Maiduguri, the Borno state capital late on Sunday, January 8, Daily Trust reports.

BREAKING: Several lives lost as explosions hit Maiduguri

Picture of suicide bomber killed by Nigerian Army troops. Photo: Premium Times

According to local sources, a Boko Haram suicide bomber attacked a Civilian Joint Task Force (CJTF) check point around Muna garage while another set of bombers attacked Kalleri ward.

Daily Trust quotes a resident Alhaji Mala as saying: "We lost three people in Kalleri last night to the bombers; they would knocked on the our doors when we open, they quickly grabbed people and detonated IEDs.”

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Premium Times however reports that the attack was carried out by two suspected Boko Haram suicide bombers who made a futile attempt to assault residents near a popular motor park.

It says only the two male bombers died after one detonated his bomb at Gariki near Muna Park and the second was shot dead by soldiers before his explosive device went off.

The police and officials of the Civilian-JTF, it says, have confirmed the incident.

It quoted Victor Isuku, the police spokesperson in the state, as confirming on WhatsApp that “preliminary information available is that the explosion occurred at Gariki Muna, which I understand is at the outskirts of town. But details will follow soonest”.

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“The situation has been put under (control) since last night. They were two suicide bombers, who came around Muna, one of them detonated his self; but no one except him was killed. But the second one was shot dead and the explosives on him later detonated,” Danbatta Bello, a leader of the Civilian-JTF, was also quoted as saying.

The attack comes just hours after scores were reportedly killed and many more injured, following a fatal attack by the Boko Haram sect in the Bin Yadi area of Yobe state capital, Damaturu.

The number of casualties is yet to be ascertained, though it has been confirmed that soldiers were killed after insurgents attacked an Army brigade in Buni Yadi, on Saturday, January 7.

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