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How God used Fani-Kayode to force Fulani herdsmen out of Southern Kaduna – SAKORE


- The recent attacks by Fulani herdsmen on the southern part of Kaduna state have been revisited by a notable northern group, SAKORE

- SAKORE believes that God Used a former minister of Aviation, Chief Femi Fani-Kayode, to pressure the sponsors of the mayhem to stop

The Southern Kaduna Rebirth (SAKORE), a foremost northern association, has described former minister of Aviation and ardent critic of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Chief Femi Fani-Kayode, as God’s finger in the herdsmen attack on the southern part of Kaduna state in recently.

SAKORE commended Fani-Kayode for coming to the rescue of Southern-Kaduna people

The group thanked Fani-Kayode and described him as one of those whose voices have helped in forcing the ‘terrorist’ Fulani herdsmen to cut down massively on the scale of terror they planned to unleash on the people of the area.

In a press release signed by its chairman, Peter Ayuba, and made available NAIJ.com after a meeting in Abuja, the group described Fani-Kayode’s interest in the terrible occurrences in Southern Kaduna as highly commendable.

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“But for the constant criticism of the likes of the former aviation minister that has helped to keep the marauding herdsmen and their official sponsors in check, the situation could have gone worse than it is,” SAKORE said while thanking Fani-Kayode for standing by the victims all through the saga.

“Sometimes we are left to wonder where he finds such strength and motivation but then we remind ourselves of the scripture which declares that the righteous are as bold as a lion and that those who know their God shall be strong and they shall do exploits.

“In fact, Chief Femi Fani-Kayode is a fulfillment of the scripture that says there is a friend that is closer than a brother.

“He is one of such very scarce friends and we shall remain eternally grateful to him for speaking out against official tyranny and oppression at a dangerous time like this. Only God can reward him abundantly.

“Ours is a region of majorly peasant farmers who struggle to make ends meet, yet, you chose to stand up for us when our enemies rose against us; you became our voice when we lost ours, and made us to feel assured that we are not alone in this battle. We cannot pay you but God will surely do,” the statement read.

SAKORE further commended Governor Ayo Fayose of Ekiti state, the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Apostle Suleiman and other individuals and groups that stood by the people of Southern Kaduna in their times of suffering.

Calling on the federal government to be alive to its responsibility of safeguarding the lives of its citizens even if they do not share the same faith, the group said to forestall further attacks on the people, the authorities must ensure that perpetrators of the dastardly acts are brought to book forthwith to give the victims a sense of justice and reprieve.

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It argued that with this, the government can heal the festering wounds in the area.

The group added: “Should government fail to do these, we shall not hesitate to mandate our people to defend themselves with vigour and ferocity whenever and wherever such attacks might occur again.

“The attackers and their sponsors should know that no group has the monopoly of violence.”

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