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Ohio University renames College of Fine Arts after central Ohio couple


ATHENS, Ohio (WCMH) -- A Columbus couple who had an Ohio University college named in their honor were celebrated at the university on Friday for their $25 million gift commitment.

Local philanthropists Jeffery Chaddock and Mark Morrow visited Athens on Friday after the board of trustees announced it would rename the College of Fine Arts to the Jeffery D. Chaddock and Mark A. Morrow College of Fine Arts. Chaddock and Morrow's $25 million commitment will enhance programs, facilities and enrich the experience for students and faculty, the university said.

"Jeff and Mark’s continued generosity is truly remarkable," said President Lori Stewart Gonzalez. "Their unwavering support for the arts and education reflects their passion for fostering creativity and enriching lives. With their gift, we can enhance our programs, attract exceptional talent and cultivate an environment that inspires innovation and exploration across Ohio University and the community."

Mark A. Morrow, left, and Jeffery D. Chaddock, right. (Photo by Ben Wirtz Siegel/Ohio University)

Chaddock, CEO of Envisage Wealth, a local wealth advisory firm, and his husband, Morrow, a docent at the 9/11 Museum in New York, are supporters of art-focused programs and are directing a significant portion of their contribution toward "creating spaces that will support creativity and collaboration."

"We steadfastly believe in art's power to transform lives, build understanding and unite communities," said Chaddock. "Our hope is that this public gift will inspire others to invest early and witness the profound impact their support can make."

The couple's gift includes programmatic and facility endowments for the Kennedy Museum of Art and the Performing Arts & Concert Series, a fellowship for the college and a gift to its capital and renovation fund, as well as support for the Ohio University Press, the University’s Pride Center and scholarships.

"This is more than just financial support -- it is an investment in the future of the arts," said Jody Lamb, interim dean of the College of Fine Arts. "Jeff and Mark are creating opportunities for our students to grow, express themselves and explore their creative potential."

The newly-named Jeffery D. Chaddock and Mark A. Morrow College of Fine Arts made history as the first time an American university named a college in honor of a same-sex married couple. Morrow said he hopes their contribution creates an air of acceptance.

"We are trying to create the identity of the fact that a same-sex married couple can do this," Morrow said.

But for Chaddock and Morrow, they said their $25 million contribution is only the beginning.

"It feels like it's just the start," Chaddock said. "We want to ensure there isn't a person that has the desire for education that isn't given that opportunity. For me, that means we've got work to do, and I like it as a starting point more than a finale."

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