
Новости за 06.02.2018

Colts set to hire Mike Phair as defensive line coach


The Colts have finally made it official with Josh McDaniels and that means they can start to officially add assistant coaches to McDaniels’ staff in Indianapolis. There had already been word of two assistants that would be part of the staff and Albert Breer of SI.com reports that contracts are done with defensive coordinator Matt [more]

Colts make it official on Josh McDaniels


After some initial uncertainty, the Colts have officially found their new head coach. The team announced that Josh McDaniels was, in fact, was taking the job. He’ll be introduced at a press conference Wednesday. Whether there was ever any cold feet on his part, or hesitation surrounding the future with the Patriots, he’s theirs now. [more]

NFL invites 326 players to NFL Scouting Combine


The Super Bowl is in the books, which means that the 2017 season is now officially in the rearview mirror. One of the first bits of business involved with the 2018 season is the Scouting Combine, which will be held in Indianapolis from February 27-March 5. Players will work out and meet with teams as [more]

Ronald Koeman named new Netherlands boss


It didn’t take Ronald Koeman too long to land another job. The former Everton and Southampton manager was named the new head coach of the Dutch national team on Tuesday, with Koeman signing a contract through the end of the 2022 World Cup. Holland have failed to reach the last two major tournaments (EURO 2016

Super Bowl LII finishes as tenth most-watched TV show


At a time when TV viewership is down across the board, the Super Bowl still can draw a top-10 all-time audience. Yes, by top-1o we mean No. 10, but that’s still a very strong performance for Eagles-Patriots, especially with NFL ratings and TV consumption down as a whole. An average TV audience of 103.4 million [more]

Aaron Rodgers plans on winning another MVP award


Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers had a season marred by a broken collarbone for the second time in his career, but he bounced back nicely the last time it happened. Rodgers broke his collarbone in 2013 and returned to be named NFL MVP in 2014. During Super Bowl weekend in Minneapolis, Rodgers said he’s looking for [more]

Eagles have plenty of options with Nick Foles


The Eagles need to decide what to do with quarterback Nick Foles, the unlikely MVP of Super Bowl LII. Whatever they choose, they have several options. First, they can keep him around. He’s under contract at $7 million for 2018, $3 million of which comes in the form of a roster bonus. In the days [more]

Ryan Shazier confirms he is not walking on his own


Two conflicting reports were published on Sunday about the status of Steelers linebacker Ryan Shazier, who suffered a serious spinal injury in December, and Shazier has weighed in to explain that he has a long road of recovery ahead of him. The first report, from Adam Schefter of ESPN, said that Shazier “is engaging in [more]

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Panthers down to two Turners


The Panthers led the league in Turners, but they’re apparently down a few. According to a report by FootballScoop.com, Panthers assistant quarterbacks coach/offensive quality control coach Cam Turner is leaving for a spot on Steve Wilks’ staff in Arizona. Additionally, Bill Voth of the Panthers official website mentions that his father Ron Turner would not [more]

Ravens owner calls NFL’s catch rules “stupid”


Even before a pair of are-they-or-aren’t-they catches in the Super Bowl, one owner made it clear the NFL had a huge problem with its catch rules. During his state of the Ravens interview last week, Ravens owner Steve Bisciotti declared his frustration with the issue. “The whole thing is stupid,” Bisciotti said, via the team’s [more]

Scot McCloughan on record as big Baker Mayfield fan


The Browns have brought Scot McCloughan into the organization as a personnel consultant and it stands to reason that part of his portfolio in Cleveland will deal with the draft. Before and after being fired as the General Manager in Washington, McCloughan was running a scouting service and spent a lot of time putting together [more]


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