
Новости за 18.04.2018

Brett Favre disputes report that he stunk up his MNF audition


On Tuesday, the New York Post reported that Hall of Fame quarterback Brett Favre recently auditioned for the vacant analyst gig on Monday Night Football. Per the report, Favre bombed. Favre disputed that account via Twitter, making the decision seem like his, not the network’s. “Wanted to clear something up from today’s press on me [more]

Strahan, Bradshaw, Long to work Thursday night pregame for FOX


FOX still hasn’t announced who will be in the booth on Thursday Night Football this season, but it has announced who will be on the pregame set. Michael Strahan, Terry Bradshaw and Howie Long will work the pregame show on Thursday nights, FOX announced today. Those three will continue to work with Curt Menefee and [more]

Jimmy Graham: Packers hunger was defining factor for me


Tight end Jimmy Graham started work with his new team this week and he took some time on Tuesday to explain what led him to sign with the Packers in the first place. Graham said he’s been “pretty good friends” with Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers since spending time with him at a Pro Bowl several [more]

AJ McCarron: Arm strength is overrated, how often do you throw 60 yards?


When AJ McCarron was coming out of Alabama, one of the knocks on him was that he didn’t have a strong enough arm. McCarron thinks that’s nonsense. McCarron, who spent the last four years in Cincinnati and now hopes to start for the Bills this season, said he doesn’t see a strong arm as a [more]

Broncos put some incentives in Chris Harris’ deal


The Broncos carved some money out of the budget by trading veteran cornerback Aqib Talib, and they’ve spread some of it back around the secondary. According to Field Yates of ESPN, the Broncos have added $3 million in incentives to the deal of cornerback Chris Harris. The 28-year-old Harris has two years left on his [more]

Report: Tom Brady still has not committed to playing in 2018


Tom Brady has mused many times about playing well into his 40s. But officially, the 40-year-old Brady hasn’t even decided for sure to play past 40. That’s the word from Adam Schefter of ESPN, who reports that Brady has not committed to playing the 2018 season. Schefter adds, however, that people close to Brady do [more]

Deshaun Watson: I won’t come back hesitant


Texans wide receiver DeAndre Hopkins set a high bar for what he and quarterback Deshaun Watson can do during the 2018 season and there’s no shortage of people who agree that the duo will be a potent one for Houston. Those who have a less rosy outlook may be concerned that Watson won’t be able [more]

NBA tanking leading to tension between owners and coaches


If tanking is happening in the NFL, it rarely gets discussed. It’s definitely happening in the NBA, and it gets discussed plenty. Beyond the misadventures of Mavericks owner Mark Cuban, who continues to talk about tanking and who recently was fined $600,000 for doing so, other NBA owners aren’t going public with their preferences. Privately, [more]

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Today’s the last day for pre-draft visits


After today, the top prospects for the 2018 NFL Draft can unpack their suitcases for a moment. Today’s the final day players can travel to teams for pre-draft visits, and for some it’s the end of the long a grueling few weeks of travel. To round up some of the highlights today, quarterback Sam Darnold [more]

Matthew Stafford advises upcoming No. 1 pick to “be yourself”


Lions quarterback Matthew Stafford was asked what he thinks the Lions should do in the first round of the draft during a Tuesday media session, but he kept his thoughts to himself. Stafford said he won’t get into that because his job is to “go out there and play and try to play as high-level [more]

Malcolm Jenkins thinks authorities “trying to make an example” of Michael Bennett


Eagles safety Malcolm Jenkins has been one of the league’s most active players when it comes to working for criminal justice reform. And he has a sense that one of his new teammates might have been singled out by the legal community as well. Via Les Bowen of the Philadelphia Daily News, Jenkins suggested that [more]

Packers get nine exclusive rights free agents under contract


The Packers could have a competition for the starting job at right guard this offseason and two of the players who would likely be taking part have officially signed contracts with the team. Justin McCray and Lucas Patrick were both tendered as exclusive rights free agents and Tuesday’s transaction report from the NFL brought word [more]

Von Miller: Bradley Chubb looks like me and Khalil Mack put together


At the NFL Scouting Combine in March, North Carolina State edge rusher Bradley Chubb was asked to make a comparison between his game and that of current NFL players. Chubb said he tries to “take Khalil Mack and Von Miller and put them into one person.” It was a pretty grand comparison to make given [more]


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