
Columbia girls bowling places third at national tournament after undefeated season, state title


EAST GREENBUSH, N.Y. (NEWS10) -- When it comes to high school bowling in the Capital Region, few teams boast a résumé that rivals the Columbia girls. This particular group of Blue Devils has been on a tear the last four years, and while they've posted multiple strong seasons, this past season was the greatest in program history.

It wasn't enough that Columbia won a NYSPHSAA championship, or that it posted an undefeated season. The Blue Devils wanted to see just how far they could continue this run.

So, three months after their state title, the team of Kara Barcher, Marissa Bogholtz, Grace Steele, Cierra Gabriel, Jennifer Doty and Alexis Gaudette headed for the U.S. High School Bowling National Championship in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. They emerged with third-place finish - a surreal end to the greatest season in program history.

"It definitely meant a lot to all of us," said Gabriel, who was the Suburban Council Bowler of the Year. "It was something that we...we never dreamt of doing, 'cause we've all been together since, like, seventh and eighth grade. So, it wasn't even really in the back of our minds. It just showed us how much potential we do have."

And like most championship teams, the source of Columbia's success goes beyond just raw talent.

"We couldn't have done it without talking with each other; working to know what the balls were doing down the lane," said senior Jennifer Doty, who placed second individually in the state championships. "And without cheering each other on, we wouldn't have done as well as we did."

"This is the first time I've ever been with a team that's really felt like a family," added Gabriel. "I feel like we have very good chemistry, and…that's why we won states and made it so far in nationals."

But it's not just that Columbia competed in nationals, it's how they got there - raising money on their own to afford the trip to Lancaster.

And those efforts were fueled by a desire to prove they could compete with the top teams in the country.

"I brought [going to nationals] up, and they {the team} all agreed on it," said Doty. "So, we really just pushed to…get it done, and fundraise as much money as we could. We couldn't have done that without the East Greenbush community."

"I was impressed; they got it done," added head coach Lisa Johnas. "They had more activities and ideas of how to raise money. They weren't gonna take "no" for an answer. They were on it…and I'm proud of them for doing that. You want them to develop on their own, and they do. They push for what they want, and…it was just so great to see them go."

And while Coach Johnas wasn't able to make the trip to nationals, Sam Beardsley - father of Emily Beardsley, who was on the team, and a former collegiate bowler himself - stepped in to look after the team.

He had a front-row seat to watch the Blue Devils compete on the biggest stage in high school bowling.

"They really wanted to do it for themselves…which they did," said Beardsley. "I was only there for a little bit of support…technical advice towards the end. We had a little bit of bad luck at the end, and we should've been there…in the number one spot. But it was just great. It was truly rewarding. I'm very proud of them, and it's a great learning experience as well."

With three seniors on the team graduating, it's the end of a brilliant four-year run for this group of Blue Devils that's lost just one match in that span.

But what a way to go out.

"It was very emotional definitely," said Gabriel. "There was a lot of tears after both singles and teams. But…I can't wait to see what the three of them do in college."

And it's time for Gabriel and others to continue their legacy.

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