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Новости за 20.06.2024

Transcriptomic insights into Chinese cabbage's unique morphology


Understanding the genetic mechanisms behind leaf development is crucial for improving crop yields and resilience. In Chinese cabbage, the formation of leafy heads involves complex gene interactions that determine leaf shape and orientation. Despite progress in model plants like Arabidopsis, the molecular basis of these processes in Brassica species remains less clear.

Lynn Conway was a trans woman in tech—and underappreciated for decades after she helped launch the computing revolution


Lynn Conway may hold the record for longest delay between being unfairly fired and receiving an apology for it. In 1968, IBM—a company that now covers its logo in a rainbow flag each June for Pride Month—fired Conway when she expressed her intention to transition. She died on June 9, 2024 at age 86. IBM eventually apologized to the now-famous computing expert, but only 52 years later, when Conway was 82 years old.

Why expanding access to algebra is a matter of civil rights


Bob Moses, who helped register Black residents to vote in Mississippi during the Civil Rights Movement, believed civil rights went beyond the ballot box. To Moses, who was a teacher as well as an activist, math literacy is a civil right: a requirement to earning a living wage in modern society. In 1982, he founded the Algebra Project to ensure that "students at the bottom get the math literacy they need."

The earliest merging quasars ever seen


Studying the history of science shows how often serendipity plays a role in some of the most important discoveries. Sometimes, the stories are apocryphal, like Newton getting hit on the head with an apple. But sometimes, there's an element of truth to them.

Defunct satellites burning up in the atmosphere could damage the ozone layer


Communications companies such as Starlink plan to launch tens of thousands of satellites into orbit around Earth over the next decade or so. The growing swarm is already causing problems for astronomers, but recent research has raised another question: What happens when they start to come down?

Great British Bake Off finalist discusses the parallels between chemistry and baking


Last year on a Friday evening, chemical biology researcher Josh Smalley was in the lab when he received a call inviting him to appear on the 14th and latest season of "The Great British Bake Off." Starting as one of a group of 12 amateur bakers, Smalley made it all the way to the final round, where the top three contestants compete for the winning spot.

First conclusive video evidence that a terrestrial leech species can jump


A new study presents video evidence that at least one species of terrestrial leech can jump, behavior that scientists have debated for more than a century. Researchers from the American Museum of Natural History, Fordham University, and City University of New York (CUNY)'s Medgar Evers College published the footage and corresponding analysis in the journal Biotropica.

How shifting cloud patterns are exacerbating climate change


In a warming climate, cloud patterns are changing in ways that amplify global warming. A team of researchers led by Professor Johannes Quaas from Leipzig University and Hao Luo and Professor Yong Han from Sun Yat-sen University in China have discovered increasingly asymmetric changes in cloud cover—cloud cover decreases more during the day than at night.

Музыкальные новости

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Hidden partners: Symbiodolus bacteria found in various insect orders


Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology report the discovery of at least six orders of endosymbiont Symbiodolus clandestinus, which lives inside insect cells. Using fluorescence in situ hybridization, they showed that Symbiodolus is present in all life stages and tissues of infected insects.

Galaxy NGC 4696 hosts a complex globular cluster system, observations find


Using the Magellan Telescopes in Chile, astronomers have performed photometric observations of a giant elliptical galaxy known as NGC 4696. The observations reveal that the galaxy has a complex globular cluster system. The finding was detailed in a paper published June 12 on the pre-print server arXiv.


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