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ERC chair: Deferment of electric bills a ‘stopgap’ as PH braces for more disasters


MANILA, Philippines – The Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC), created to ensure Filipinos have access to affordable and reliable electricity, must be more agile in decision-making as the country faces more climate-related disasters.

And deferring payment of electric bills is just a temporary solution, according to ERC chairperson Monalisa Dimalanta.

The ERC chairperson, who just recently returned to office, was commenting on the Palace’s directive to the commission to study the possibility of a temporary moratorium on electricity payment collections in communities affected by Severe Tropical Storm Kristine.

“‘Yung pag-defer is, I think we all know, it’s a temporary– it’s a stopgap measure,” Dimalanta told reporters in a virtual press briefing on Monday, November 4. “That’s why I was saying earlier, we need other solutions, ‘yung mas proactive na solusyon.”

(Deferment of bills is, I think we all know, it’s a temporary– it’s a stopgap measure. That’s why I was saying earlier, we need other solutions, more proactive solutions.)

As the government responds to the crisis, old ways of doing things may have to be revisited, said Dimalanta. Currently, the ERC moves slowly, requiring meetings with all five commissioners before coming to a decision.

“Mayroon tayo nitong mga tinatawag nating climate emergency or increasing climate-related disasters,” said Dimalanta. “’Yung old institutions, or old mechanisms in our government institutions, may need to be revisited para nga mas responsive siya dito. So hindi lang po ‘yung pag-defer sana ng bill ‘yung hinihingi sana nating aksyon.”

(We have what we call the climate emergency or increasing climate-related disasters. The old institutions, or old mechanisms in our government institutions, may need to be revisited so they can be more responsive. Deferment of bills is not the only action we’re asking for.)

Dimalanta said that in light of the ongoing amendments to the Electric Power Industry Reform Act or EPIRA, Congress may give authority to the chairperson or a division of the commission (“if Congress is uncomfortable giving too much authority to the chair”) to act when the need arises that a decision be made right away.

The ERC, since President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s directive, has asked all distribution utilities in areas under a state of calamity to suspend electricity line disconnections for consumers who will not be able to pay between October and December.

The commission also asked distribution utilities to “provide flexible payment options” to ease the burden from people still recovering from Kristine.

Dimalanta said that this move is practical not just for consumers, but for electric cooperatives too who may not be able to properly read flooded electric meters.

Kristine is the 11th tropical cyclone to hit the Philippines. It has killed at least 151 people and affected more than eight million individuals across 17 regions. – Rappler.com

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