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Cure a Dislocated Shoulder with Natural Remedies

Cure a Dislocated Shoulder with  Natural  Remedies

How To Fix A Dislocated Shoulder: Effective Ways


The shoulder is one of the most mobile joints in the human body and is thus more prone to dislocation. We discuss how to fix a dislocated shoulder here.

Once you have self-diagnosed the injury as shoulder dislocation, there are various home remedies that explain how to heal a dislocated shoulder faster. The same is explained below

1. Ice pack

Why use it

Applying an ice pack on the injury is the first line of treatment when suffering from a shoulder dislocation. It helps reduce the inflammation and swelling that occur because of the injury.


How to use

Put an ice pack for 15-20 minutes 3 to 4 times a day, until the inflammation or swelling reduces.

2. Immobilization

Why to use

Inward or outward immobilization can be done by wearing a sling. This helps restricts the movement of the injured shoulder and fastens the healing of soft tissues and affected muscles by giving it the rest it needs.


How to use

Wear a sling or brace in the affected arm for 2 to 4 weeks depending on the severity of the injury.

CURE 2: External treatment methods

1. Scapular manipulation

Why to use

A shoulder dislocation occurs when a gap is formed between two or more bones at the joint. To treat it, skilled manipulation is done to bring the bone back to its position and reduce the separation, and thus return the bones to their normal position.


How to use

Studies show that scapular manipulation is a relatively painless way to treat a shoulder dislocation. This can only be performed by trained professionals and is not advised to be performed without expert supervision.


In this technique, the patient is made to lie with the back exposed (prone position) straight, with the arm stretched out at 90 degrees to the shoulder. Some weights are hung on the patient’s hand to apply downward traction. Then the practitioner pushes the scapular edge, rotating it upwards and thereby reducing the separation. This technique can also be used while the patient is in a sitting or supine position


2. External rotation

Why use it?

External rotation is also one of the reduction techniques that help with reducing the gap caused at the joint because of a dislocated shoulder.


How to use

The patient is made to lie down in the supine position and the physician moves the affected arm close to the body and holds it there tightly with one hand. On the other hand, he holds the wrist and gets the elbow to a 90-degree flexion. Then, with the forearm as a lever, the upper arm is gently rotated externally without any force or traction.


3. Stimson technique

Why to use

A reduction technique that can be performed without assistance and uses suspension and release of weights to reduce the gap formed in the joint because of dislocation.


How to use

In this technique, the patient is made to lie in the prone position on a stretcher and the affected arm is made to hang lose such that it does not touch the floor. 5-10 kg weights are then suspended from the wrist of the affected arm and the position is held for 15-20 mins. Then, the weights are released allowing the humerus to fall back into its original position

4. Traction – counter traction

Why to use

It’s also a shoulder reduction technique where the shoulder is returned to its normal position by an external method and no surgical intervention.


How to use

In this technique, a cloth is folded over the patient’s chest. The physician pulls down the affected arm and the assistant pulls the body in the opposite direction upwards with the help of the wrapped cloth.

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