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That's what I tried to get at

Thank you that is the point. If you despise no interest at a theme team should you be forced to produce one? Like for me, I used to play Madden 21 Coins WL get out seasons around 16 wins, bang, but because the meta changed to be so boring I needed to stop. Want to compete with every squad? Run key words receive a theme team and plays. My entire QBs are pockets passers, and good thing my favorite team is the giants, and the o line is trash so that I can't run stretch every drama. So what do I do? Try and guess my very best choice of a group that'll have great players, and a escape artist QB, without any noticeable position gaps, and what would you understand pretty soon we possess a theme team that is 49ers.

This year made a motif team for the very first time and it had been no harder than making a god group. I also still find roasted on the internet with regularity. As you believe it is it is not quite as much of a boost. That is only one of, if not the most expensive theme groups, because that theme staff IS a god squad and it is. I am not saying your post is inherently incorrect, it's just over exaggerated. As a Vikings motif teamer, those stats on the line and in the corner are a serious! My 85 RT gets shedded to departure, and TEs couldn't be used by me until Olsen got Seahawks chem. TTs are to compete than making a godsquad.

If EA sees subject teams as a means to get cards I am not certain. EA always has a way of creating cards that drive the market by making legends the best and then everything else rather tier two. I will say that the past couple years it beenmake a god squad or earn a theme group. Power ups are a different way for EA to make a coin sink at the sport. Using training to upgrade the card instead of merely using the base cards they launch is of having a place for people to devote their coins and entice them to buy packs to replenish their coin pile EAs means.

That's what I tried to get at. I believe I stated it in case you read it all, perhaps I clarified a little badly. They do it while I concur that EA knows that some cards are Buy Mut 21 Coins not good off of a TT and it is to drive the buying of the pricier packs aka legend/UL packs. But they also recognize that many cards may be used competitively in the event the player wants to devote to it. Early in the year since it's really easy to get crushed with how many golds/silvers there are it is definitely more difficult to utilize a TT but EA is pretty decent at acquiring players that are usable. I wish that could have their group chems be picked because I think that would certainly make cards more valuable overall.

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