Voice of America

Новости за 27.09.2024

The Inside Story - USA VOTES 2024 | 163

Voice of America 

We bring you the story of President Biden’s final address in NY at the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly. Plus, we report on the potential shifts in foreign policy and what they might look like after Americans vote in their presidential election this coming November. This week on The Inside Story: USA VOTES 2024.

Newsmax settles Smartmatic defamation suit over 2020 false election claims 

Voice of America 

WILMINGTON, Delaware — Newsmax Media reached a confidential settlement of a lawsuit by Smartmatic, the voting machine maker that had alleged it was defamed by the news outlet's false claims that its machines were rigged to help steal the 2020 U.S. presidential election from Donald Trump, the companies said Thursday.  The agreement came on the eve of a four-week jury trial, with opening arguments scheduled to begin in Wilmington on September 30.   "Newsmax is pleased to announce it has resolved... Читать дальше...

US offers $20M for details about Iranian allegedly behind plot to kill official

Voice of America 

Washington — The U.S. State Department announced a $20 million reward on Thursday for information leading to the arrest of the alleged Iranian mastermind behind a plot to assassinate former White House official John Bolton. U.S. officials said in August 2022 that they had uncovered a plot by Shahram Poursafi, a member of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), to kill Bolton, who served as national security adviser to former President Donald Trump. The State Department's Rewards for... Читать дальше...

Haiti PM urges 'partners' to fulfill pledges to help keep peace

Voice of America 

With violent gangs controlling most of Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince, calls for a formal U.N. peacekeeping mission are growing. The country’s prime minister says the current international effort lacks resources, manpower and the capability to face the gangs. Celia Mendoza reports.

Media watchdog calls for protecting community radio stations in Sahel 

Voice of America 

paris — Paris-based press watchdog Reporters Without Borders has teamed up with more than 500 community radio stations across the Sahel in calling for the protection and support of local radio broadcasters, which in some places are under increasing attack. The organization wants governments to protect radio stations' right to inform freely across the region and is also calling for shedding light on the fate of journalists who have been attacked in recent months. “Our fear is if we don’t organize ourselves... Читать дальше...


«Самый крутой проект»: KAYA заспойлерила старт нового шоу на ТНТ

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