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A head-spinning tour of 'Opposite Land'


“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” The famous biblical passage from Isaiah offers a chilling but disarmingly accurate characterization of today’s Democratic Party, which has descended to its darkest, most perverse and pathological…

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The National Mall is seen at night Sunday, April 18, 2021. (Official White House photo by Adam Schultz)

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” The famous biblical passage from Isaiah offers a chilling but disarmingly accurate characterization of today’s Democratic Party, which has descended to its darkest, most perverse and pathological low point in history – except perhaps for its fierce defense of slavery, until the Civil War put an end to that.

Whether viewed through the prism of power politics, ideology, psychology or religious faith, the Democratic Party of 2024 has become a daily showcase of exactly the kind of remorseless lying, gaslighting and projection – i.e., calling “evil good, and good evil” – that is condemned in the Bible.

In fact, Democrats’ 180-degree moral-inversion modus operandi has become so reliably extreme that it has evolved into something of a crystal ball, allowing one to discern not only what the far-left ruling elites are secretly doing right now, but also what they intend to do next.

How can that be? By careful noting the crimes, conspiracies and corruption which Democrat leaders falsely accuse conservatives of perpetrating, one can gain uncannily accurate insight into the very crimes, conspiracies and corruption they themselves are covertly pursuing right now – and planning for the future.


* Democrats accuse Republicans of being lawless, a claim epitomized by their massive lawfare campaign against the GOP’s current leader, President Donald J. Trump, who in a short period of time has been accused of over 100 different crimes in left-wing jurisdictions nationwide – all in an effort to block his reelection and make sure he dies in prison. Yet despite the prevailing Opposite Land narrative, reality turns out to be quite different: Democrats have proven to be the lawless party, abusing America’s best-in-the-world legal system in its wild persecution of Trump. The truth of this assessment was affirmed recently by the Supreme Court’s humiliating unanimous decision annihilating one of the Democrats’ lawfare cases against Trump. Ironically, while Democrats claim the 45th president is a big-time criminal, in reality it is Joe Biden, America’s 46th president, who heads up an actual crime family involving at least a dozen family members, as House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer has revealed.

Rep. Harriet Hageman, R-Wyo., recently put it this way: "I believe that this is the most corrupt family ever in a position of power in this country's history. We’re talking about a level of corruption that is so far beyond what we’ve seen with previous political leaders."

* Far worse than Democrats’ persecution of Donald Trump and simultaneous defense of an epically corrupt man like Joe Biden is their mass criminal prosecutions and imprisonment of hundreds of innocent, patriotic Americans for simply protesting the theft of the 2020 election. In so doing, the Biden administration has embraced the kind of unthinkable political weaponization of the legal system that previously was associated with the most brutal and corrupt Third World dictators.

Ultimately, the hundreds of unjust Jan. 6 prosecutions, convictions and lengthy incarcerations are simply part of Democrats’ appalling campaign to brand not just Trump, but his supporters, as terrorists and “insurrectionists” attempting to overthrow America’s constitutional system of government.

But being Opposite Land, that analysis is not only nonsensical, it is precisely opposite to the truth: Attempting to undermine the American constitutional system, for which the elites have barely disguised contempt, is precisely what today’s Democratic leadership does 24/7, as many of the following examples demonstrate.

* Democrats daily accuse Republicans, as well as essentially the entire American middle class, of being racists, bigots and white supremacists. In reality, of course, it is Democrats who have historically, generation after generation, practiced and championed overt racism: Democrats were the party of slavery, while the Republican Party came into existence in 1854 explicitly as the “anti-slavery party.” Democrats opposed Reconstruction after the Civil War and founded the Ku Klux Klan in 1865, making up most of its membership. They were likewise the main force behind Jim Crow laws for many decades afterward.

Fast-forward to the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. The great American middle class had largely been persuaded by the noble, nonviolent movement, capped off by Rev. Martin Luther King’s stirring “I have a dream” speech in August of 1963, that they too, like King, desired to “live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Yet the following year, it was Senate Democrats who filibustered the historic 1964 Civil Rights Act for an astounding 60 days – the longest filibuster in U.S. history – in a desperate attempt to block the anti-segregation bill’s passage.

Today, 60 years later in 2024 America, it is Democrats, not Republicans, who are utterly obsessed with hiring and firing, promoting and demoting, rewarding and punishing, favoring and rejecting people solely on the basis of their skin color. Long forsaken by the left is the entire Civil Rights Movement and MLK’s cherished “dream” of a color-blind America.

And yet, according to the party that championed slavery, opposed Reconstruction, pushed Jim Crow laws and tried desperately to kill the ’64 Civil Rights Act, the United States of America – hands-down the least racist nation in all of history – is irredeemably racist. And all because of those racist, white-supremacist, Klan-loving Republicans!

That’s what it means to live in Opposite Land.

* Democrats perennially accuse Republicans of “voter suppression” for insisting people identify themselves as U.S. citizens before voting in elections that will largely determine the future of their nation. As Kamala Harris alleged in a 2020 op-ed, Republicans, by supporting Voter ID, are "doing everything in their power to suppress and attack the voting rights of people of color."

Incredibly, Democrats’ opposition to Voter ID persists in an era when the Biden administration has intentionally engineered a massive foreign invasion of non-citizens into America, bringing in well over ten million illegal aliens so far during his term, all for the ultimate and obvious (if unspoken) purpose of creating millions of new Democratic voters.

Democrats’ end game is to transform America into a permanent one-party state – perpetually run by them. So, while Voter ID is obviously more necessary than ever for preserving election integrity and therefore preserving the nation itself, Democrats oppose it. But what sort of reason, one might well ask, could Democrats possibly concoct to justify opposition to such a clearly needed, universally accepted and common-sense measure?

Unfortunately for Democrats, who like Biden and Harris claim Voter ID serves only to suppress black voter turnout, their sole argument is transparently racist, since its unavoidable implication is that “people of color” are somehow too poor, ignorant, incompetent or stupid to obtain a government-issued ID. Yet, no one in America can open a bank account, cash a check, fly in an airplane, rent a car, stay in a hotel, pick up a doctor’s prescription or, in general, navigate this life without a government ID. Nevertheless, Biden has repeatedly called Voter ID laws – which, ironically, polls show blacks overwhelmingly support – the equivalent of “Jim Crow 2.0.”

* Thousands of America’s children are being groomed and seduced into undergoing horrendous transgender amputation surgeries and other unthinkable and irreversible medical “treatments” that literally destroy their lives – leading many to commit suicide. Indeed, Medical News Today in 2022 reported on new research showing transgender teens are more than seven times as likely to commit suicide as other teenagers. Yet President Biden, whose administration enthusiastically supports – and funds with taxpayers’ money – the mass-hysteria transgender craze, recently condemned as “close to sinful” the efforts of good people to stop the mass mutilation of America’s children. Likewise, “gender-affirming” psychologist Dr. Harriette Wimms, clinical director for the Village Family Support Center in Baltimore, Maryland, has announced publicly that parents who oppose cutting the breasts and/or sex organs off their children have a “mental illness.”

Once again, in Opposite Land the people merrily leading children into lifelong misery, disability, conflict and suicide accuse loving, protective parents and other right-thinking people who oppose the demonic transgender craze of being “sinful” and having a “mental illness.”

* Democrats are obsessed with eliminating fossil fuels in order to save the planet and keep it habitable for the human race – or so they claim. But reality is precisely 180 degrees opposite from what left-wing global-warming zealots say, a truth neatly summarized in the title of the 2022 bestseller by energy expert Alex Epstein, “Fossil Future: Why Global Human Flourishing Requires More Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas – Not Less.” Even Greenpeace co-founder Dr. Patrick Moore enthusiastically affirms the truth of “Fossil Future” and condemns the left’s obsession with imposing “Net Zero” greenhouse gas emissions on America (though mysteriously, not on China). Moore characterizes the effect Democrats’ climate-change policies would eventually have on the world’s population in the starkest terms possible: “If we actually achieved Net Zero, at least 50% of the population would die of hunger and disease.”

In Opposite Land, climate-alarmist leftists, globalists and Democrats accuse Republicans, most of whom oppose Biden’s wanton throttling of America’s fossil-fuel industries, of helping make the earth uninhabitable by driving gasoline-powered automobiles and heating their homes with natural gas or oil. But in the real world, it is the left’s radical climate-change policies that will, if pursued to their desired conclusion, result in a level of global starvation, disease and death unprecedented in recorded history.

Then again, it’s no secret that many top globalist billionaires, from George Soros to Bill Gates, have long openly campaigned for drastically reducing the earth’s population … as a means of improving life for all.

* Democrats regularly accuse Republicans of “fascism,” with Joe Biden in a major speech calling tens of millions of Trump-supporting Republicans “semi-fascists.” In reality, however, the specter of classic fascism – in the sense of totalitarian subjugation of a population by means of an unholy partnership between government and corporate power– is today manifesting in a multitude of ways, including the widespread and now-proven collusion between the Deep State and Big Tech to censor and suppress conservatives.

Understand the utterly fascist dynamic of the permanent ruling class in Washington, D.C. The Constitution explicitly prohibits the federal government from crushing the free speech and free press rights of Americans. So the government resorts instead to “outsourcing” – to the “private businesses” comprising Big Tech – the desired censorship, deplatforming and suppression of free speech and free press that are constitutionally protected. They justify this gross violation of America’s cherished First Amendment rights by labeling all expression with which they disagree – i.e., truth – as “misinformation,” “disinformation,” and a brand-new and highly confusing “1984”-type term, “malinformation” (defined as “truth used to inflict harm.”)

This fascist collaboration between government and corporate power constituted a major component in the rigging of the 2020 presidential election. Evidence of massive Biden family criminality revealed in the contents of Hunter Biden’s infamous “laptop from hell” – which included major corruption on the part of “the big guy” Joe Biden himself – were ruthlessly suppressed by Big Tech in the last couple of weeks before the November 2020 election. Post-election polling of Biden voters revealed that had they known about the damning revelations before they voted, Biden would have lost the election and Donald Trump would have been president for the last three years.

Also on the fascism front, there is the violent, fascist domestic-terror group Antifa, which ironically stands for “anti-fascist,” and which in 2020 Joe Biden bizarrely announced was a nonexistent group, calling it “an idea, not an organization.” In reality, of course, as the world saw during the summer of 2020, Antifa, along with Black Lives Matter, engaged in a five-month mega-orgy of violence across America. During this unprecedented rolling riot, they terrorized and ransacked many major U.S. cities, caused over $2 billion in property damage, wounded some 1,200 law enforcement officers and caused the deaths of at least 25 people.

That’s what nonexistent organizations can do in Opposite Land.

In reality, of course, Antifa – the “anti-fascist” group that is just “an idea” according to Biden – is a violent army of genuine fascists who look, talk and act exactly like WWII-era street fascists – masked and dressed in black, carrying out violent criminal attacks on innocent people and businesses. As president, Donald Trump strongly recommended Antifa be officially designated as a terror group.

Coming to grips with the lawless left

The bottom line of Opposite Land 2024? Left-wing Democrats controlling the nation’s government and culture accuse traditional-values Republicans of being lawless, fascist extremists who embrace violent insurrection to overturn this nation’s lawfully elected constitutional government.

Yet that turns out to be a perfect mirror image of the accusers – and a clear picture of what they are planning for the United States of America.

Remember that the left is fundamentally lawless. Repeat: The left – not traditional liberals, as Dennis Prager likes to point out, but the radical left that is currently dominating America’s government and culture – is literally lawless in its essence. Lawlessness is its core identity.

Diving just a bit deeper, the real reason for this “lawlessness” phenomenon comes clearly into view: Opposition to God and His laws of life in order to play god, to invent their own reality and force everyone else to accept it – that comprises the mind and substance of the lawless left, and always has since the days of Karl Marx. To justify this lawlessness and maintain their illusion of moral superiority over others, leftists have to portray conservatives – i.e. normal people who hold to society’s traditional values derived largely from the Bible – as evil. Which is why Democrat leaders in the U.S. and their allies in the media continually, year after year, compare Donald Trump to Hitler. It’s transparently insane, of course; Hitler murdered 11 million people, Trump murdered zero. Yet they persist because they desperately need their lying, cheating and lawless ways to somehow be counted as just, noble and good.

Consider that Nazi Germany was the one scenario in modern history regarding which most people would agree that lying, cheating and even attempts at assassination were moral in the quest to rid that nation of a true monster of a leader, to end a terrible war and save millions of innocent lives. Therefore, lying, cheating and breaking all the rules, at least in that time and place, were not only moral, but a moral imperative. This is precisely why Democrats persist in the abominable and dangerous practice of defaming the 45th president as another Hitler. They detest rules, and if Trump is Hitler, they can break free of all the moral and legal rules that hold decent civilizations together.

But to pull off their grand rebellion – the left’s secret revolution against God and His will on earth – they have to posit a total inversion of moral reality. Not only does their evil thus become “good,” but good must, of necessity, be seen and condemned as evil.

Taking the long view, in the end God and His goodness and righteousness will ultimatel prevail, and all those who stubbornly cling to evil, corruption and deception will meet their just fate.

But in the meantime, good Americans have a lot of work to do. And that work starts with seeing with crystal clarity exactly how those who would steal not just elections – but innocence, souls and entire nations – are operating.

The preceding is adapted from David Kupelian’s introductory story in the April 2024 issue of WND’s critically acclaimed Whistleblower magazine, titled “OPPOSITE LAND: A stunning tour of the Left’s total inversion of morality, history and reality.”

SPECIAL OFFER: David Kupelian's classic bestseller, "The Marketing of Evil: How Radicals, Elitists and Pseudo-Experts Sell Us Corruption Disguised as Freedom," promoted by Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham and countless others, has just been re-released in a new EXPANDED PAPERBACK EDITION with BRAND-NEW CHAPTERS exploring the latest extraordinary developments in the Biden-era promotion of destructive lifestyles, worldviews and political agendas so insane that, just a few short years ago, few dreamed they could ever take root in America.

At the same time, Kupelian’s critically acclaimed sequel, "The Snapping of the American Mind: Healing a Nation Broken by a Lawless Government and a Godless Culture," has also been re-released in a brand new, REVISED AND EXPANDED PAPERBACK EDITION, including ALL-NEW CHAPTERS illuminating the astonishing "1984"-style transformation of America taking place today.

Both "The Marketing of Evil" and “The Snapping of the American Mind” are available now, at DISCOUNTED PRICES, at the WND Superstore.

The post A head-spinning tour of 'Opposite Land' appeared first on WND.

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