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Shakira ‘to drop another scathing Pique diss track in just days’ – and has chosen a VERY special date to do it


SHAKIRA is said to be preparing to release another diss track slamming her ex Gerard Pique in a few days.

After her explosive hit Shakira Bzrp Music Sessions 53, the Colombian pop star is expected to roast her ex in another song- and has chosen a very special date to drop it.

Shakira is preparing a new diss track
Pique went public with his girlfriend Clara Chia[/caption]
Shakira targeted Pique and his new girlfriend in her song
Shakira has slammed Pique in her latest song following their bitter split

The superstar‘s new song, in collaboration with Karol G, is set to be released on February 2- Shakira and Pique’s birthday.

The duo have worked hard for the song, recording the video clip in just two days, Marca reported citing the podcast Mamarazzis.

Karol G has shown her support for Shakira following her split with Pique as she was recently spotted in an NBA game wearing a shirt with the phrase “too big for you”- a clear reference to Shakira’s song with Bizarrap

In a reference to Piqué’s new relationship with Clara Chia Marti, the star sings: “I’m too big for you, that’s why you’re with someone just like you.”

The Hips don’t lie singer’s new hit is expected to take a swipe at Pique once again- but in a more subtle way.

Following their bitter split after 12 years, Shakira, 45, has been returning to music with force.

Her recent singles Te Felicito and Monotonía made reference to the ex-footie star but the latest hit targeted directly Pique and his new girlfriend.

The star sings in the BZRP song released earlier this month: “I’m worth two 22-year-olds. You traded in a Ferrari for a Twingo, you traded in a Rolex for a Casio.”

The ex-footballer responded to the song by turning up to work in an £8,000 Renault Twingo and boasting his new seven-a-side project the King’s League had landed a sponsorship deal with Casio.

Shakira put up a creepy life-size witch doll on her balcony in Barcelona that overlooks her ex-mother -in-law’s home.

Gerard’s mum Montserrat Bernabéu is said to have stormed over to Shakira’s and asked her employees to turn it around but the singer has refused to take it down.

Shakira has also allegedly forbidden her sons Sasha, seven, and Milan, ten, to call her grandma due to her support of her son’s new lover.

Meanwhile, the football ace has gone Instagram official with his new girlfriend who gets on well with his pals unlike Shakira- who they branded “The Boss.”

Spanish television show Ya es Mediodia reported that Gerard’s new girlfriend fits in with her boyfriend and his pals much easier than Shakira did.

And rapper Sansixto has also jumped to defend Pique in his new track called D-Clara referencing 23-year-old Clara Chia.

Despite going public with the relationship, it appears that Clara Chia is not comfortable with the attention and has reportedly been teleworking from her parent’s home in Spain.

Shakira has chosen February 2 to release her new track
The pair split up after 12 years together[/caption]

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