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Arnold Gonzalez-Esneiker Correa Tops May 10 ‘Seneca Fight Night’ Show In Niagara Falls

Arnold Gonzalez-Esneiker Correa Tops May 10 ‘Seneca Fight Night’ Show In Niagara Falls

Arnold Gonzalez will take his talents upstate. All-Star Boxing, Inc. is set for the 2024 debut of its ongoing Seneca Fight Night series. Gonzalez will face Esneiker Correa in a scheduled ten-round regional welterweight title fight. ESPN Knockout will televise the May 10 show from Seneca Niagara Resorts & Casino in Niagara Falls, New York. […]

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Arnold Gonzalez will take his talents upstate.

All-Star Boxing, Inc. is set for the 2024 debut of its ongoing Seneca Fight Night series. Gonzalez will face Esneiker Correa in a scheduled ten-round regional welterweight title fight. ESPN Knockout will televise the May 10 show from Seneca Niagara Resorts & Casino in Niagara Falls, New York.

“We are thrilled to head back to Western New York for this series,” Felix ‘Tutico’ Zabala Jr., president of All Star Boxing, Inc. told The Ring. “This will be another fantastic night of boxing featuring a lot of young talent.”

Gonzalez (14-0, 6 knockouts) will fight for the second time on the year. The 29-year-old New York City native recently outpointed Charles Stanford over six rounds. The bout took place on a Top Rank show from Madison Square Garden’s Hulu Theater in his hometown.

Prior to that came a ten-round victory last October in Quito, Ecuador. Gonzalez regularly trains in the region, where he has evenly divided his five-year pro career.

“We feel ready for the moment,” insisted Gonzalez. “I’m working hard in the high altitude of Quito, Ecuador which is my second home. We are gonna be fighting for our second belt as a pro. I’m looking make an impressive statement on May 10th.”

Venezuela’s Correa (15-4-1, 13 KOs) aims to end his recent skid. The Miami-based knockout artist was stopped in the second round in each of his last two bouts.

Local favorite Mikiah Kreps (7-0, 3 KOs) returns in the evening’s co-feature. The Niagara Falls-based bantamweight will face Brooklyn-bred Melissa Oddessa Parker (6-2, 2 KOs) in a scheduled eight-round bout.

“It’s always great to have the support of my rowdy fans,” stated Kreps, who makes her third series appearance. “I expect to have another great performance on May 10th in front of a sold-out crowd.”

Kreps will fight in the greater Niagara Falls area for the fourth time. She outpointed Isis Vargas over eight rounds last November 7 at Edison Ballroom in New York City.

Miami’s Alexander Hernandez (4-0, 2 KOs) will fight for the third time on the year. An opponent was not yet announced for the 33-year-old middleweight, though expected to come with the full undercard.

Jake Donovan is a senior writer for The Ring and vice president of the Boxing Writers Association of America.

Follow @JakeNDaBox


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