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Jaylon Johnson Probably Won’t Like Latest Top Cornerback Rankings

jaylon johnson

The Chicago Bears saw what they needed to see from Jaylon Johnson last season. After three frustrating seasons marked by injuries and lack of production, the cornerback broke through for the best of his career with four interceptions. He also had one of the best coverage grades in the entire league. There was no longer any denying that he was one of the NFL’s best. According to personnel evaluators and coaches who spoke to Jeremy Fowler of ESPN, they agreed to an extent.

Through a voting process, Johnson did manage to crack the top 10 among all cornerbacks. However, his placement may not be anywhere close to what he’d want.

8. Jaylon Johnson, Chicago Bears

Highest ranking: 4 | Lowest ranking: Unranked
Age: 25 | Last year’s ranking: Unranked

Everything came together for Johnson, who earned a four-year, $76 million contract off the strength of a banner 2023.

On 57 targets, Johnson allowed 33 receptions, 286 yards and one touchdown while making four interceptions, producing a 17.5% ball-hawk rate.

No cornerback was hotter in the second half of the season. He was probably Chicago’s best overall player. It was a good thing the Bears didn’t trade him at the deadline as he requested.

“Competitive corner with man traits and excellent zone vision,” an NFL personnel evaluator said. “Physical in press and fluid at the break point. Showed more ball production last year. Only thing he lacks is top-end recovery speed.”

Johnson said throughout last year that he feels he is one of the best in the league.

His play reflected that. Not only was he getting turnovers, but his overall coverage was smothering. Quarterbacks just stopped bothering to throw in his direction. Meanwhile, the guy ahead of him, Jaire Alexander, had the worst coverage grade of his career, missed 10 games, and didn’t have a single interception. One would easily understand if Johnson found that disrespectful.

Jaylon Johnson won’t have trouble finding motivation.

Last year, it was ensuring his financial future by landing an extension. He has accomplished that. Now, it’s about building his legacy. Johnson has always found ways to keep himself motivated. The media seem to be doing him a favor by posting lists like these, which continue underselling how good he is. If last year wasn’t enough to show he’s the best in the business, then he’ll just have to do it again. People forget Johnson is still only 25 years old. He is entering his prime.

Everything has fallen into place. He has a stud pass rusher in front of him. Montez Sweat will get heat on the quarterback. Matt Eberflus is a quality defensive playcaller who should get Jaylon Johnson in a position to make lots of plays. All the cornerback has to do is stay healthy. He has struggled with that over the past few years. Playing a full season might be what finally gets him into the elite conversation.

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