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Abandoned British racetrack looks unrecognisable in eerie pictures after it is reclaimed by nature


ABANDONED track Arena Essex Raceway has been found after it was “reclaimed by nature” following years of disuse.

The track began hosting races way back in 1978 and staged competitive action for 40 years.

Jam Press/@ChloeUrbex
Arena Essex Raceway has been re-discovered after being abandoned[/caption]
Jam Press/@ChloeUrbex
The unused circuit is overgrown with shrubbery and the track is clearly worn away[/caption]
Jam Press/@ChloeUrbex
The chequered flag on the track is still visible despite years of neglect[/caption]
Jam Press/@ChloeUrbex
The fan stand is still there but looks incredibly old[/caption]
Jam Press/@ChloeUrbex
The track was re-discovered by 23-year-old explorer Chloe Urbex[/caption]
Jam Press/@ChloeUrbex
The floodlights are still standing but have been consumed by shrubbery[/caption]

Every September it hosted the oldest National World Final Championship – which attracted between 35 and 174 cars.

It also put on “Banger Racing” on Sunday afternoons and Bank Holiday Mondays between March and November, as well as speedway and Demolition derbies.

Prior to closing in 2018, it is understood the Purfleet course, located close to the Lakeside Shopping Centre, was a great day for a family day out.

But it closed six years ago following “bad weather, lack of support from fans and increased insurance costs” and was sold to housing developers for £80million.

Demolition on the track began in 2020, before those housing plans were scrapped in July 2023 when the land was sold to a hyperscaler.

But it has now been re-discovered after explorer Chloe Urbex, 23, stumbled upon the track.

During recent years of abandonment, it has become overgrown with greenery and shrubbery.

The white lines on the track are still visible but are being worn away, while the fan stand is also a shell of its former self.


This is how the Essex track looked 11 years ago before racing stopped[/caption]
Banger racing took place every Sunday and on Bank Holiday Mondays[/caption]
This is a picture of Banger Racing at the track way back in 1989[/caption]
Speedway races were being put on until shortly before the track closed in 2018[/caption]
It was a brilliant place for a family day out[/caption]

The floodlights remain along with the chequered flag finish line, but it is hard to recognise it as the same track from years ago.

Explorer Chloe told What’s The Jam: “This track sits abandoned just off an active go kart site.

“It hasn’t been used for quite some time.”

She shared photos of the overgrown Arena Essex Raceway on Facebook and received a number of responses from those who used to go there.

One said: “Best track I’ve been on, this is where I learnt to drift, met so many people and the atmosphere was incredible!”

Another added: “Such a bad shame for the banger lads and the drift lot over the last few years! I’m sure I speak for all that attended….. we want it back!”

A third replied: “Spent all my childhood here. Shame it’s been forgotten.”

And a fourth responded: “I actually miss this place! my favourite track and great people!”

Fans poured in with their tributes and memories from the track[/caption]

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